Who is Dr.V?

Educational Background: Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Western University in London, Ontario, Canada

Post-doctoral research at a Gene Therapy company in San Diego, CA (Studying antibody structure and neutralization of Adenovirus type 5)

Consultant Leed Researcher for a science start-up, WavBank in San Diego, CA

Product support and competitive intelligence for research products at Perkin Elmer.

Product support for stem cell research products at Stemgent.

Family: Married with two children (my son is a sophomore at college and my daughter is junior at college) and a dog (8 years old).

Interests: Woodworking, creating stained glass art, welding, playing badminton, tennis, volleyball and fixing things.

Why teaching at AHS?: I live in Arlington.  I believe that the best way to contribute to our world is to help educate the next generation of voters.  

What I expect from my students.  Ask me questions when you don't understand, need clarification or are confused.  Asking questions is the best thing you can do if you can't figure something out on your own.  Remember the internet is not always your best source for accurate information, but it can be a great resource if you evaluate the source of that information. 

What can you expect when you work with me? I will always answer you honestly and to the full extent of my knowledge. If I don't know the answer to your question, we'll figure it out together.  If you're willing to put in the work, I am here to support you.  If my first or second attempt to help you figure out a concept doesn't work for you, don't give up on me, I won't give up on you either.

If you would like to contact me please use your spyponders email at rvarghese@arlington.k12.ma.us If you don't yet have a working spyponders email, you may still email me but please CC one of your parents on your email for me to reply back to both of you.