Honors Biology

We will be using Google Classroom this year.

Join our class to receive assignments and notices related to your section:  I will teach 4 sections of Honor Biology - Google Classroom join codes will arrive later this summer.

If you are a parent that doesn't receive the summaries from Google Classroom and would like to receive these summaries, please send me an email.  I will send you and invitation to sign-up for these summaries.  Once you have accepted  you will see a summary for all your student's classes and not just my class.

In Honors Biology, students primarily receive contents via a packet system.  These packets contain most of the resources we will use for a few weeks of content.  Students in my class have the option to use either a printed copy of the packet or a digital version.  As there are 5 teachers for this course, the packets work to ensure that each students receives a similar experience regardless of which instructor they have.  We have shared assessments and similar classroom policies.  Students also have access to support 4 days a weeks after school - The schedule will be determined at the start of the school year.