Frequently Asked Questions

If you have not been able to find an answer to your question, please use the form below to submit questions.   We will periodically review the questions and post answers. 

1.) Are my choices influenced by when I enter my requests?

No, whether you are the first or the last person to enter a request, the computer does not take this into consideration.  Instead, the scheduling system takes into account all of your courses, staff assignments, and room placements to determine your schedule.

2.) If I do not have access to the internet at home, what can I do?

Please call one of our offices:

     a.)  Main office  (781-316 -3594) 

     b.)  Counseling office (781-316-3607)

and they will be able to print the course selection sheets. We can mail this information home, but for the sake of time, we suggest having your student pick up the forms, bring them home, and return them when completed.

3.) If you take the bi-weekly concert chorus (opposite wellness class) then can you take another elective?

Yes. The Biweekly chorus class is scheduled two times a week, opposite the 9th-grade wellness course.  This takes the place of directed study times, a time when students are    

assigned to a room to check in and use the time in a manner that they find productive (homework, unwind, potentially meeting with staff). 

4.) How many honors courses should incoming (freshman) students enroll in?

Please see our recommendation page for a detailed review of this question Course Request Guidelines