Learning Outline

Our Weekly Learning Overview

Our Daily Learning Overviews

Maths Online - 30 minutes a day

Students should complete 30 minutes of Khan Academy or Prodigy Maths Online daily. One of the two websites will be attached to the daily tasks, which will ensure that students are alternating between both websites. Students may need to use a notebook (or the blank books provided from school) to work out answers.

Maths Inquiry Question - 15 minutes a day

Each day a maths inquiry question will be posted on the daily tasks page. These questions will require students to show their problem solving skills through open and closed questions. Students should show their working out in the books provided, as this will be easier than trying to explain their working in worded forms.

There are three questions provided for each day, a year 3 question, a year 4 question, and a stretch question. This is something that we do in our daily maths lessons in class. This allows differentiation through our maths lessons, and means that everyone can complete a maths question depending on how comfortable they are with the current maths topic. If students would like to, they can answer all three questions, but only one is required week 1. As we move into the term, there will be more questions that need to be answered.

Writing task - 30 minutes a day

Each day students will complete a prescribed writing activity via the Daily Tasks page on this website. The task will be one of the following:

Genre writing tasks: Students refine a specific narrative or persuasive writing technique by being an author.

Comprehension task: Students will be given a short excerpt of text to read, and answer questions relating to the text.

Gratitude journal writing: On Fridays students are required to answer 3-5 questions about things they are grateful for. This is both a writing task and a wellbeing lesson, as it requires them to be mindful and thoughtful about their life.

Reading and completing reading log - 30 minutes a day

Students need to read for a minimum of 30 minutes a day at home. There are online reading resources available through the Scholastic Learning Zone if students would like to access them, or have run out of books to read at home. Here is a link to Sunshine Books, and also to Literacy Planet, where there are books available to students to read online. Students can also listen to books via YouTube.

Students are required to document their reading in their individual reading log everyday, which should be checked by a parent or carer. A video on how to access students' reading logs is available here, and through the important links and videos tab.

Spelling - 20 minutes a day

There will not be spelling in week 1 of term 2 as students settle into the term.

From week 2 onwards there will be a short task that students are required to complete each day in order to finish 5 tasks by the end of the week. Students are used to these tasks, as they usually complete them at school. It is very important that on Monday when they begin spelling, that you listen to your child read the words, so that they know how to read the words aloud.

If students complete the 5 tasks, they are able to go onto Literacy Planet online and play games with their spelling words.

Fitness - 30 minutes a day

Each day there will be either a YouTube fitness video or a suggested task to complete. We welcome feedback about how students have gone in a new daily fitness thread on Google Classroom, which can be accessed by students here.

Most fitness activities are YouTube videos accessed through SafeYouTube.net. If students do not have access to a device or internet, there is a Fitness at Home page that has fitness ideas they can do at home here.

Daily Inquiry Question - 30 minutes a day

The daily inquiry question will concentrate on learning areas other than those above, such as History, Civics and Citizenship, Design, Technology, and Health.

These will shortly include Japanese, Music, and Science.

In the first week of term 2, there will not be a daily inquiry question, as I don't want to overwhelm students and parents that are learning at home.