Room 21

Welcome to the Room 21 Website

Please know I am here to help you facilitate your child's learning at home in the most accessible way I can.

This will be the central hub for information regarding our class, and an important link between school and home. Other important messages will also be sent via the Dojo app- can you please ensure that you are checking Dojo regularly.

I have endeavoured to create a website is easy for you to use in aiding your child's learning at home. If you have issues regarding navigating the website, Google Classroom, or if you have a question or query regarding your child's learning, please send me a message on Dojo and I will assist you as soon as I am able to.

With ease of access and transparency in mind, I have created a Learning Outline page, which details weekly learning expectations of all students. This also details how much time should be spent completing the different learning activities each day, and more in-depth information regarding each learning activity.

Please keep in mind that the order or time of the day that these activities takes place is up to you and your child.

Individual daily tasks can be accessed through the Daily Tasks tab (also available in the top menu). This is an important place for students and parents to see the prescribed activities for any given day, as there is a range of activities to assist students in their learning.

Google Classroom

Tasks will also be set via the Google Classroom website, which can be accessed via the top menu of this page under Google Classroom. Student's Google logins were sent all parents directly through a private Dojo message.

I am aware that Google Classroom is a new platform for parents and students alike. I will therefore be creating some helpful videos about navigating and accessing activities through Google Classrooms. These can be found by clicking here on Important Links and Videos (or by using the tab at the top menu of this website).

Click on the link below to navigate to the Our Learning SA website, a South Australian Education Department Online resource for children

Click on the link below to be directed to the Ardtornish Home School Learning Resources website

Our classroom aims to work to the calendar below every week. We will not be trying to replicate this for you at home but because of our online ability, though we will communicate on a daily basis with ongoing work.