Fitness Ideas for at Home

Go on a bear hunt

Did you ever sing the song "I'm going on a bear hunt?" Act out the different motions in the song: swim across the lake, climb up the tree and stomp over the bridge. This activity gets especially entertaining when you’re scurrying away from the bear at the end.

Play follow the leader

This game never gets old, and you don’t need any equipment to play. Take turns being the leader, directing others to match your every move. Encourage them to get active by hopping, skipping, crawling, shuffling and using their imaginations.

Have a dance party

Pop in your favourite tunes, crank up the volume and get moving and grooving! For extra fun, kill the lights and turn on some fun lighting, like a disco ball or some lava lamps. You can compete for the best dance moves, or you can simply make up a dance to an entire song.

Create a treasure hunt

Hide things all over the backyard or throughout the house and have a parent or a brother or sister race to find each clue. Try and make some of your clues raise your heart rate and make you breathe, like “Do four cartwheels before moving on,” or “Make up a funny dance.”

Make a maze on the driveway

Chalk can help you create beautiful masterpieces, but it can also assist in some fun fitness activities. Draw an elaborate, detailed maze all over the driveway, then run (or race) through it! This activity encourages fitness and creativity at the same time!

Put on a concert

You can use your favourite songs or make up some songs of your own. Either way, you’ll need to make some dance moves to go with the songs. You might even want to wear a costume! Put your concert on for a parent, a brother or sister, or even your teddy bears!

Walk like an animal

Use your imaginations to come up with different types of animal walks! Imitate bears walking, or run fast like a cheetah. Waddle like a penguin, or pretend to swim through the ocean like a dolphin. You might even get crafty and make some animal ears to wear while you do it!

Make an obstacle course

In your front or backyard you can make an obstacle course using things in your yard like buckets, pots, and even chairs. Your obstacle course could include things like hopping, jumping, ducking under things, climbing over things, or even rolling- it’s up to you! When you have finished, maybe you can time how long it takes you to complete the course, then try to beat your time!

Go for a walk- ask first!

Make sure you ask mum or dad before you go for a walk, as you will need them, or an older brother or sister, to go with you. You may want to have a walk to the closest oval and kick the football, or take the dog for a walk around the block!

Go for a bike ride- ask first!

If you have a bike, you might like to go for a ride in your driveway or around your neighbourhood. Make sure you ask mum or dad before you go! Some neighbourhood’s have very busy roads that are unsafe to ride alone.