Welcome to Arden Futures!
Arden Futures is Arden's Careers Education programme which is designed to link learning to the world of work and provide students with careers insights, impartial advice and personal guidance, and an understanding of the labour market. The Futures Team at Arden seek to broaden students' horizons by exposing them to as many job roles and education providers as possible, ensuring our students make informed decisions every step of the way.
Mr Simpson, Assistant Headteacher i/c Student Personal Development & Careers Lead
Mrs Butcher-Johns, Careers Guidance Counsellor
Careers Advice Referral Form
If you are a student who needs some advice and support, or a parent/guardian who believes that your child needs some guidance, please fill in the referral form below, and we will arrange a 1:1 impartial and confidential session with our Careers Guidance Counsellor.
Are you a past student? Click the link above to learn how get involved and support current students in learning about life after Arden. Also, we'd love to hear from you!
Are you interested in getting involved with Arden Futures? Part of our "broadening students' horizons" strategy is having them interact with people who actually do the job! It's so much more meaningful when they hear it from someone actually in the role.
If you've every wondered what Arden Futures is about...
“Throughout my time at Arden I was unsure as to what I wanted to do post Sixth Form. Whilst at the Arden Futures Fair in Year 10, I had the opportunity to speak with an Occupational Therapist which reminded me of a prior encounter I had with an OT when I was younger. This led me to speak with my careers advisor and do more research into what the job entailed and what I needed to achieve qualifications-wise to be able to train as an Occupational Therapist.
I enrolled on and completed a virtual work experience course with Allied Healthcare Mentor during lockdown which confirmed OT was what I wanted to do in the future. The work experience gave me the confidence, knowledge and experience necessary to complete the University application and interview procedure.
I received five offers and am now studying Occupational Therapy at Cardiff University, the top ranked University for Occupational Therapy in the UK.”
Anna L