Beyond Year 11

Students in Year 11 will be expected to start thinking their post-16 journey.   Some students will have a clear idea as to what profession or skilled work they wish to pursue and will select a college course in a very specific area of employment, for example accountancy, forensics, construction, sport, animal care, engineering... the list goes on.   Some students aren't so sure and wish to keep their options open and continue with academic study.  Finally, some students eager to enter the workforce, will opt for an apprenticeship where the study will learn and earn at the same time.

Whichever pathway a student chooses, success will always depend on how suited they are to that pathway and how hard they are prepared to work.   Students will sometimes struggle to understand which is the best pathway for them - we are here to support and guide students by providing impartial and informed information and advice.

Y11 Your Future Making Decisions.pdf