Learning at Home

This page is support your whānau should you have to self isolate. We have provided a range of activities which require minimal resources or set up. They relate to our school values and we have made some suggestions around daily reading, writing and maths. They are multi levelled so can cater for everyone in the family. There is also a huge range of links and ideas on the school website on the 'Learning at Home' page. These are only suggestions - please feel free to get creative and do other learning at home also.

Curious Learner

  1. Watch a couple of clips which interest you- write some 'wondering questions ('I wonder.....')

Smart videos for the Curious Mind

  1. Do a science experiment.

  2. Visit National Geographic Kids. Learn something new. Write a quiz based on what you have learnt. Ask someone in your family your questions

Capable Learner

  1. Create box or an area at home for your learning space. Gather some resources you might need....pens, paper, crayons, scissors, glue stick, an old school book and favourites story books. Make a classroom at home.

  2. Write a diary about the different learning you are doing at home

  3. Share your learning on the Learning@Home page on Hero

Caring Learner

Doing things for other people makes us feel good, and makes others happy. Here are 5 ways you can make a difference to someone else's day at home.

  1. Do something kind for an adult at home

  • Make a cup of tea or toast

  • Tidy your room without being asked

  • Help with cooking dinner

  • Do a household chore (vacuuming, dishes)

  1. Send a ‘I’m thinking of you’ message to a family member or friend.

  2. Ask your younger sibling to play with you, and let them choose the game/activity.

  3. Do a chalk drawing that will put a smile on someone’s face as they walk past. Links for inspiration: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3

Daily Reading

  1. Choose you favourite book from home to read to a younger sibling, pet, or a family member on Zoom.

  2. Log on to Sunshine Classics and read a story quietly to yourself

  3. Have a go at some of these Te Reo Māori reading books for those who would like an extra challenge

Daily Writing

  1. Write a different ending to you favourite story or a fairy tale

  2. Make a book. It could be a non fiction book about something you are an expert on or a fictional story.

  3. Write a list of the things you are going to do today.

Daily Maths

  1. Making 10, Making 20- get a set of 10 (or 20) objects. Split the set in different ways. How many different ways can you make 10? How many different ways can you make 10? Try different numbers. Write the number sentence to show what you did (2 + 8 = 10)

  2. Practise writing your numbers correctly

  3. Practise skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Let's go exploring in our gardens!

Here are some scavenger hunt ideas you can do in your garden.

Make a Bug Catcher

Make a bug catcher-

Make a Mighty Trap 1 or 2

Use LEGO or recycling to re-create one of the creatures you caught.

Remember to share your bug catcher and creations on the 'Learning@Home' page

We're going on a bug hunt...

What bugs can you find in your garden?

Design a recording sheet to show what you found.

What do you know about bugs? Write some facts on bugs.

Make a poster about the bugs you found

Doc Link

Alphabet Hunt

Go on a letter hunt around your house and garden.

Can you find all the letters in the alphabet?

Using things you find outside, e.g. stones, sticks, leaves can you make letters of the alphabet?

Can you make your name? What other words can you make?

Scavenger Art

1. Go on a scavenger hunt for leaves and flowers in your backyard. Look for large, small, rough, smooth, silky, bumpy, soft, hard or sharp!

2. When you're finished hunting, spread your discoveries out on a table or a big piece of paper. Use them to make an interesting picture.

3. You could use paper and crayons or coloured pencils to make leaf rubbings

4. Later, with some help from someone in your family, you could use the iNaturalist app to help identify your plants!

iNaturalist App

5. Post of a photo of your creations on your 'Learning from Home' page on Hero.

Tōku Reo

These short videos on Tōku Reo are perfect for practising simple words and sentences in te reo Māori. You can even test yourself afterwards!


Keep fit and healthy.......

Here are some links to physical activity and wellness to do while you're at home.

Hikitia te Hā

Take some time to stretch your body and do some mindful breathing to stay calm and relaxed. Invite your whānau to join you!