
Term 3 Week 6

We enjoyed learning cricket skills with Liam from Canterbury Country Cricket.

The Court Theatre did an amazing performance called Maui me te Rā.

Photos from our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning.

Term 3 Week 3

Bricks 4 Kidz - Look at some of our amazing creations we made during Bricks 4 Kidz.

Tem 3 Week 2

Dress up as your favourite book character day.

Geometry Shape Pictures

Term 2 Week 3

Above- This weeks Curiosity Club in Teretere.

This week the children learnt 'Elastics', did some hip hop, Klikko construction, board games, made catapults and finger knitting.

Below- Friday Art

This is the second rotation for our art learning. Some children are making 3D paper sculptures, others printmaking and pastels landscapes.

Term 2 Week 1 & 2

Bob Bickerton sharing traditional Māori instruments earlier this week.

Learning about patterns in maths

Learning about Bernoulli's Principle during our science learning about flight.

It was a lovely fine day so Teretere Curiosity Clubs was outside.

Having fun with the scooter boards in Teretere Curiosity Clubs

Check out this hut! It has a deck, a garden and outdoor furniture!

Week 6, 2022

Curiosity Clubs- some familiar activities and some new ones.

Maths, Reading and Writing. Some learning about bugs and insects too.

Learning through play had engineers hard at work this week.

Week 5, 2022

Curiosity Clubs- Have A Go- round 2

Spy club

Spy themed activities are on offer at the moment. In the photos you can see, children navigating through laser beams (aka wool!), searching for images on I Spy sheets, and writing invisible messages and making them visible.

Oscar's art, construction and beading

Oscar taught some children how to make a hidden pop-out picture. There was also Lego constructions and beads on offer.

Week 4, 2022

Popcorn making.

Whaea Deb's writing groups made popcorn this week for their writing experience. They came up with some lovely ideas to describe and add detail to their writing about it too.

Learning Through Play.

Check out the photos to get an idea of what the buzz was about this week!

Discovery Literacy Time.

We tried something new on Friday, which we have tentatively named Discovery Literacy Time (akin to Discovery Maths in Year 1). We have a dedicated session where everyone is involved in Literacy games and activities. There is lots of learning going on, and tons of fun!

Week 3, 2022

Experiences for recount writing.

Term 1's writing focus is Recounts, which means writing about something you have experienced. This meant games of hopscotch and making paper planes this week for some of the tamariki.

Week 2, 2022

Inaugural Teretere hui.

We had our first ever Teretere hui this week. Usually we have whole school hui on Fridays but we are unable to do that at the moment. We had fun and even played a game that was hilarious!!

Curiosity Clubs Teretere style

Curiosity Clubs is another Ararira whole school tradition that is on hold at the moment. But we aren't quitters so we are doing our own Teretere version! The children have told us all their favourites from previous experiences, so this week we had a 'Have a Go at Something Different' session. There was sketching, Scratch Junior (coding), origami, finger knitting, making a pirate hat, Code Studio (another way to learn coding) and wheels. It was so successful, we think we'll do it again! It is great to take a risk and try something new.

Statistics fun

We have been gathering data, sorting, graphing and analysing the results. We found out: what the best summer fruits to eat are, what sports equipment we could add to our collection, what the most popular things to do at Learning through Play time are, and what are the top choices to include for our own Curiosity Clubs.

Classroom visitors

You might know that we cannot have classroom visitors at the moment. Well, that is not entirely true. We can have non-human visitors!

This week Liam brought in some Whistling Tree Frog tadpoles and frogs. Flora brought in a Monarch Butterfly caterpillar, and we saw it change into its chrysalis!

Fantastic learning opportunities!

Week 1, 2022

Check out the fun we have had in our first week at school. Lots of friendships being made and reconnected, and routines being learnt. Play continues to be a developmentally appropriate way to learn in Year 2, alongside teacher led group work.