
Week 11, Term 1

Nature Sculptures

This week K3 worked in pairs to create sculptures out of the materials they found on their trip to McHugh's Forest. We now have some very creative critters and creatures on display in the classroom!

Learning Languages

We have some children in our learning space who would like to share their first language with our class community and teach us some basics. This is their first clip: How to say 'Good Morning'. 

Week 10, Term 1

Haere ra, Habibi

Today we farewelled Habibi from Kaunuku. We are sad to see him leave our Ararira whānau, but we know how excited Habibi and his family are about seeing their friends and family back in Indonesia. Habibi, thank you for being a kind friend and helpful classmate. All the best for your future, and safe travels. 

St John Ambulance Visit

On Friday we had a surprise visitor to the school. Matua Nick, a St John Ambulance volunteer,  brought an ambulance to school for us to explore. We heard the siren, saw a 'patient' being lifted on the gurney, and got to look inside. Thank you Matua Nick and St John Ambulance for helping to keep our community safe and healthy. 

Week 9, Term 1

A visit with Ottoline

Maxi and his Mum Anneke brought in a special visitor on Wednesday. Ottoline is a 4 week old chihuahua. She was born a bit early and has a deformed lip so can’t suckle from her mum. Anneke has to feed her with a syringe every two hours, even through the night! She will probably need to do this until the puppy is about 10 weeks old and can begin to eat biscuits. Ottoline got her name as she looked a bit like an otter when she was born as she had no hair!

Thank you Maxi and Anneke.

Week 8, Term 1

Pop in to see K2's beautiful new fairy door art work!

K3 Author of the Week

Harper is K3's Author of the Week for her awesome poem about bubbles! 

Cooking with Kaunuku: Louis and George's Savoury Scrolls

Last week George wrote out the recipe for savoury scrolls, and brought it to share at school.  He asked if he and Louis could have a go at making the scrolls at school, and here we are! Maybe you can try them at home? 

Bricks 4 Kidz

This week we were treated to a session with Bricks 4 Kidz. It required problem solving, team work, and compromise as children worked together to make their lego creations move! Lots of fun and creative thinking. 

Maths with K2

Whaea Megan's maths class have been doing some problem solving this week. Using money to buy 'groceries', the children had to budget to see what they could afford. Maybe this could come in handy next time you go shopping!

Life Education with Harold and Keri!

This week we had a visit from Harold the Giraffe and his friend Keri from the Life Education Trust. We have been learning about what we can do when we have problems and how understanding our feelings, body language, and having empathy for others can help us. Harold has been talking to us about developing resilience, and how we can 'bounce back' when unexpected things happen. Thanks Harold! 

Week 7, Term 1

Sports Spectacular 

We had so much fun at Foster Park for the Sports Spectacular led by Selwyn Sports. Thank you to our parent helpers! 

What if you had animal teeth?! 

This week Whaea Megan's class wrote stories inspired by the book 'What if you had animal teeth?'. The children had to describe the kind of teeth the wanted and explain why. What kind of teeth would you choose?

Buddy Reading

On Tuesday mornings Kaunuku 3 and Huarapa 4 meet for a buddy reading session. We love this opportunity for old friends to spend time together, and  for our tuakana readers to support our teina readers. 

Week 6, Term 1

McHugh's Forst K3 & 4

Thanks for your patience - here some photos of our trip to McHugh's forest.

Author of the Week!

This week Cooper is K3's Author of the Week for his exciting story about blasting off to the moon in a rocket ship. Well done Cooper! 

Week 5, Term 1

Author of the Week!

Henry is K3's Author of the Week for his awesome story about getting a flat tyre. Ka rawe Henry, we are very proud of you!

Willoughby Wallaby Woo

K3 & 4  have been learning a new song...can you sing along at home?

McHugh's Forest: K1 & 2

W hat an amazing adventure we had at McHugh's forest hunting for fairy doors. We can't wait to start making our own fairy doors for Ararira Springs! 

Week 4, Term 1 

Kaunuku Information Sharing Night 2021

Ararira meet the teacher evening

If you were unable to make it to our 'meet the teachers' picnic last week, attached here is the slide show we presented. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. 

K2 - Describing ourselves

This week K2 used the editing tool on the iPads to decorate their self-portraits with describing words. What can you learn about the children in K3? 

Week 3, Term 1

Zones of Regulation

In Kaunuku we have been using Zone of Regulation to talk about our emotions and how we manage our emotions at different times. We have lots of different strategies for getting ourselves back into the 'green zone' such as mindful breathing, taking some time by ourselves, doing something that makes us happy, or spending time with friends and whānau. Do you have any great wellbeing ideas at home?

Hikitia te hā

One of the ways we promote calm and wellbeing at Ararira is through Hikitia te Hā, a short yoga session that promotes mindful breathing and relaxing stretches. Maybe your child can teach the whole whānau!

Haere ra Aslan!

Today was Aslan's last day at Ararira. We wish him and his whānau all the best moving into their new home this weekend, and starting a new school next week. We will miss you Aslan!

Maths in K3

We have started a statistics unit across Kaunuku this week. In K3,  we wanted to find out what the favourite ice cream flavours were. After asking some investigative questions and making a graph, we found out that goody goody gum drops took the top spot! On Thursday we worked together to solve a problem about messy bedroom drawers... hopefully it rubs off at home too!

Week 2, Term 1 

Happy Valentine's Day!

On Friday Kaunuku 1 & 2 made Valentine's Day cards for people they love. 

Koru Art

Kaunuku 3 continuing their art unit about kowhaiwhai patterns in the wharenui. Today we practised painting koru. 

O le pepe

In Kaunuku 3 and 4 we have been learning this song in Samoan. It's a beautiful song about the butterfly and the way it flies. Have a practice at home!

Ngā rā o te wiki

Kaunuku 3 are learning the days of the week in Te Reo Māori. Every morning we sing this song. Tamariki mā, you can teach your whānau at home!

Meeting Scooter!

Whaea Megan brought her beloved bunny Scooter to school on Friday. All of Kaunuku were able to give him a cuddle, and we were proud of the gentle and caring way the children looked after him. Come again soon Scooter!

Week 1, Term 1

Me Monsters!

This week Whaea Megan's class made 'Me Monsters', created by combining different characteristics that represent their interests, personality, and appearance. Pop into the classroom to see if you can decode them!

Clever Calligraphy

Calligraphy without ink? Ask Kaunuku 1 & 2 how they did it...

Art in the wharenui

Over the next few weeks, Kaunuku 3 and 4 will be learning about Māori wharenui, and the way they are decorated using carving, kōwhaiwhai and tukutuku patterns. Today in Kaunuku 3, we had a go at building our own whare out of lego. In Kaunuku 4, we learned about the parts of the whare, and how they are decorated using patterns and carvings that represent what is important to people.   

Fun in Kaunuku!

Maths with K2

Whaea Megan and her maths group have been doing problem solving this week. Working with money, the children have been tasked with budgeting and working out how much they can afford to buy from the 'supermarket'. Maybe this will come in handy next time you're doing the shopping?!