
Fortnightly Notices

Term 2 Week 5 Notices

Thank you

A huge thank you to all of the parents who helped us at swimming. We couldn't not have done it without you, and we apprciate you taking the time out of your day/s.

Important Dates

Term 2, Week 3 Notices

Year 2 Swimming continues


Our new Library day is Thursday if you could please bring library books back each Thursday.

Reading Folders

We have a few children who are forgetting to bring their reading folders to school every day. This is very important as we are unable to send reading books home without a reading folder to protect them. Thank you for your support with this.

Matariki Night

Attached is the information for the Matariki night on Friday 5th July

Term 2, Week 2 Notices

Thank You 

A huge thank you to the parents who came on the Marae trip and supported us at the Marae. The children had a great time learning about the Ngati Moki Marae, the story of the creation of tuna and a native plant scavenger hunt. 

Pink Shirt day

Year 2 Swimming starts


We have had a change in our library day to a Thursday. Please ensure you child has their library books to exchange on Thursdays now.

Term 2, Week 1 Notices

We have loved welcoming back the tamariki after the break and hearing about their holidays. We hope you all had a fabulous time with family over the break. 

Thank you

A huge thank you to the parents who came and supported our trip to the air force museum on Wednesday. We had a fabulous time and could not have done it without your support. Thank you for taking time out of your day to spend with us.

Year 3 Marae Trip Monday

The year 3 tamariki have their Marae trip on Monday 6th of May. Can you please ensure your child has easy to take on and off shoes that are also suitable for walking. A full lunch box, water bottle and a jacket will also be needed for the day.

Year 1 and 2 Library on Monday 6th May

On Monday we will be going to the library as the teachers are on release Wednesday during our usual library time. If the children can please bring their books Monday to exchange. Wednesday the 8th the children will have a fabulous day learning drama, science and visual arts with their specialist teachers. 

Year 2 Swimming lessons

Just a reminder that the year 2 children have swimming lessons in week 3 and 4. This starts Monday 13th May. If you haven’t already done so, can you please ensure you fill out the following form. You do not have to do this if you already have lessons at Rolleston pool. Thank you

Week 11 Notices

It’s hard to believe that it is the end of term one! We have had a wonderful term and the children should be very proud of their learning and achievements they have made. 

Special Visitors

This week we have had two visitors in our learning space. Jim Manning, Police Education Officer spoke with the children about road safety. A big thank you to the parents who came along on our road safety walk. Jacob and Emily from Selwyn Sports Trust taught the children a new Taonga Tākaro (Treasured Māori Games) with rakau (wood). Please look at the learning tab on the blog to see our photos of learning in action. 

Year 2 Swimming

Early next term the Year 2 children will be heading to Rolleston pool each day for two weeks of swimming. This begins on Monday May 13 and finishes on Friday May 24 from 11.20am to 1.30pm. We still need parent helpers for supporting children with getting ready for swimming. Please contact your child’s ako teacher if you can help with this.

Swimming is part of the New Zealand Curriculum so it is expected that all children take part. The cost of the lessons will be $81.50 for 10 lessons. 

Air Force Museum

Just a reminder that we will be going to the Air Force Museum on the first week back at school on Wednesday 1 May. We just need two more parents to help on the trip. 

Year 3 Marae Trip to Ngāti Moki (Taumutu) - Monday 6 May

We still need a couple of parents to help on this trip. Parents will be required to say a short pepeha as part of the powhiri (welcome). We can help you with this but your children are somewhat experts on this!

A big thank you to the parents who have offered to go on the trips. We really appreciate your support and couldn't provide these wonderful learning opportunities without your help. 

Week 9

Road Safety with Constable  Jim 

The children will be learning about road safety with Constable Jim during the last week of term. One lesson involves the children walking on the streets of Lincoln and we would really appreciate parent helpers for this. Each class has a different time slot which is outlined below. If you can help please email your child’s ako teacher.

Tuesday 9 April

Huarapa 1- 11.10am - 12.00pm

Huarapa 2 - 12.00pm - 12.45pm

Wednesday 10 April

Huarapa 3 - 12.00pm - 12.45pm

Trips Next Term

Marae Trip - Year 3 Children

Year 3 children will be visiting Taumutu Marae on Monday 6 May for the whole day and we will need some parent helpers to come along and be a part of this amazing learning experience.

Term 2 Swimming Lessons - Year 2 Children 

The year 2 children will be participating in swimming lessons at Selwyn Aquatic Centre every day during 13-17 May and 20-24 May. We will need parent helpers for supporting children with getting ready for swimming.  The times we need helpers will be from 11.20 am - 1.30pm. 

Air Force Museum Trip

On Wednesday 1 May  we will be visiting the Air Force Museum and will require parent helpers from 9.30am - 1pm. 

We really appreciate whānau support on our trips and if you are able to help, please contact your child’s teacher. 

Email Addresses

Morning Bell

When arriving at school the music signals when whānau and tamariki can enter learning spaces. Just a reminder that children wait outside the office before the music bell goes. 

A Message form Teretere

Old school uniform (smaller sizes): We'd love any old school uniform you may be throwing out. We take these to our local pre-schools to use for 'dress ups'. Please give items to Nicky in Teretere or drop to the office. Thank you.

Week 7


For safety reasons, we expect that all students will wear a safety vest to and from school. Vests are no longer at the office however they can be purchased from The Warehouse.

Hero Posts

Please take time to read your child’s learning post with them when it is shared on Hero. The children enjoy sharing their amazing learning with their whānau. 


The children have been learning about their mihi over the last few weeks. A mihi is a Māori greeting which introduces yourself, your family and where you come from. You could ask your child if they could share their mihi with you. In the upcoming weeks we will be recording your child saying their mihi and uploading it on Hero. 


We encourage children to wear shoes to school that are suitable for physical activity like sneakers. Please no wheelie shoes as they can be dangerous. 

NZEI Meeting - Wednesday 20 March

NZEI (Teachers union) is holding a meeting for its members during the afternoon of Wednesday 20th March and will be off site from 1pm. Members are entitled as part of their Collective Agreement to attend two of these meetings per year. School will remain open for supervision on Wednesday afternoon however there is an option for your child to leave school at 12.45pm. We would be grateful if you could complete the following google survey if you haven’t already. 

Reading Folders

Please remind your child to put their reading folder in their class box before school. This helps with quick and easy access when they are needed during the day.

Important Dates 

Easter holidays - The school will be closed on Friday 29 March , Monday 1 April and Tuesday 2 April. 

Friday 12 April - Last day of term 1. 

Monday 29 April - First day of term 2. 

Friday 17th May: Pink Shirt Day (gold coin donation to The Mental Health Foundation). Tamariki may wear their school uniform or something pink. The focus this year is 'Being an upstander'. More information can be found here

Please refer to the schools newsletter and the website for further information and dates.

End of Week 5

Wheels Afternoon

The children thoroughly enjoyed our ‘Wheels Afternoon’  on Thursday and we are looking forward to beginning our inquiry learning about vehicles. A big thank you to Brendon Johnstone who brought a truck into school for the children to explore. 

Important Dates 

Hui - Huarapa 1/2/3 are hosting Hui on Friday 15 March. 

Easter holidays - The school will be closed on Friday 29 March , Monday 1 April and Tuesday 2 April. 


Please encourage your child to bring only one special item for sharing. 

End of Week 3

Whānau Evening

Thank you to the whānau who came to our school picnic and information evening on Tuesday.  It was great to see such a wonderful turn out.  Our google slide presentation has been embedded on our blog to read and for future reference. 


Just to let you know we have had some cases of Conjunctivitis in our learning space. 

School Values  Focus - Caring 

Over the last three weeks we have been focusing on our school value Caring. We have discussed different ways we can demonstrate caring by showing kindness, caring for our  environment and caring about our learning. 

Claire shared a kindness challenge in hui today which you might like to try at home.

End of Week 1

We have had a fantastic first week back at school and it has been wonderful to meet whānau and get to know tamariki. 

Learning Blog and Fortnightly Notices

Our notices will be written on our blog during odd weeks (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) and our Learning Blog will be updated each week. Our Learning Blog will begin next week.

Important Dates

Term 1 Week 2: 

Tuesday 6 February -  Waitangi Day, school closed

Term 1 Week 3:

Tuesday 13 February -  School Whānau Picnic (times to be confirmed)

Friday 16 February -  Curiosity Clubs start 

Specialist Teachers

We are lucky to have visual art, science and drama specialist teachers coming into our learning space three times this term while the Huarapa teachers have release time as a team. The first one is this Wednesday and there will be two other days later on in the term. 


Our Library day is Wednesday. Our first library session is week three, Wednesday 14th February. 


We are beginning to set up our structured literacy groups and home learning (involving reading books or sounds), which will begin during week three. 

Poetry Books

Your child will have a poetry book which will be sent home in your child’s reading folder on a Friday and needs to come back to school on a Monday. Most Fridays a new poem will be glued into their book. The aim of poetry is to share an enjoyable reading experience together with your child.   

Celebrating Diversity

We have many wonderful cultures within our learning space. We would love to acknowledge different cultural events when they arise, for example Chinese New Year. Please email your child‘s ako teacher to share dates and events that you celebrate within your family. 

Chicken Pox

We have had a case of chickenpox in our hub and would like for everyone to be aware of the symptoms for the next few weeks. Please check the Ministry of Health website for further information.

Morning routine

This week we have been learning about the zones of regulation and different emotions within the zones. As part of the morning routine we would like tamariki to greet their teachers, put their photo in the zone they are feeling and place their reading folder in the reading folder box. 

Start of the School Year

Welcome to Huarapa 1/2/3! We are really looking forward to meeting your child on Tuesday or Wednesday this week and the school year ahead. 

Our focus at the start of the year is relationship building and tamariki getting to know new routines. 

Sun Protection

We are a sun smart school and tamariki are expected to wear a navy coloured wide brimmed or bucket style hat to school during terms one and four. Tamariki who do not bring hats will be expected to play in the shaded areas during break times.

It would be great if your child applies sunscreen before school during the warmer months. We have sunscreen available in our spaces which we will encourage tamariki to put on. If you prefer, your child can have personal sunscreen in their bag to apply when needed. 


Please make sure you name your child’s clothing, sunhat, drink bottle and lunch box. It makes it easier to return items back to their owner. 

Emailing Kaiako

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s ako teacher through email. We will acknowledge your email within 24 hours to say we have received it and will reply to your email within 48 hours. Our 'contactable time' is between 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. You can of course send an email outside of these times but we will respond during our 'contactable time.' However if the email is urgent, we will of course be in touch. 

Email Addresses

Shelley -

Anna -

Casey -

Library day

Our library day is Wednesday. 

Morning Routine

When your child arrives in the morning they need to put their reading folder in their ako class reading box.  

Sharing Day

On Friday we have sharing time where the children will have the opportunity to share something in a small group. Sharing items could be a creation they have made, a sporting achievement, toy or talking news about something special. Sharing items will be placed in a container at the start of the day to keep them safe. Toys will only be brought to school for sharing  on a Friday as they can be lost or damaged. 

Class Toys - Milo, Lia and Kuwi 

Each ako class has a special class toy which goes home on a Friday and is brought back the following week. The children will have the opportunity to draw a picture and write about their experience with their class toy. More information is written in the book that goes home with either Milo, Lia or Kuwi. 

Mihi Whakatau

On Friday 2 February at 9.15am we will be having our Mihi Whakatau to welcome new whānau and kaiako to our school.