Week 6 Notices

Important dates:

Week 5 Notices

Swimming: Finished! Thank you to all of our awesome parent helpers who came each day, we couldn't have done it without you! Thank you also for the parents who attended the year 3 Marae visits!

Important dates:

Week 4 Notices

Swimming - Continues this week Monday to Friday

Marae visits - Year 3 only -  Te Pa o Ngāti Moki

Matariki evening 

Week 3 Notices

Pink Shirt day

Year 2 Swimming starts

Huarapa 4 - Whaea Deb

Term 2 Week 2 Notices

Pink Shirt day

Missing bits and pieces from classroom

Please let us know if any of these have come home in pockets or bags!

Curiosity clubs

Year 3 - Marae Visit : Reminder of dates 

Year 2 - Swimming

End of Week 11 Notices

And just like that it is the end of the first term. Today I walked around the space today talking with the children about the term. These were some of the comments made……

“We got to do new things like science, art and drama with Whaea Megan, Whaea Andrea and Whaea Annabel. We love them because it’s super fun.” (Mackenzie and Frankie)

“The first term has been great because I like doing art and there are new things to use.” (Billie and Quinn O)

“I loved pedalmania this term because there was lots of different bikes I could ride. I got to ride them with my friends.” (Theo)

“I liked it when Jim the policeman came in. We got to see his pepper spray, and his Harry Potter wand’. (Gus)

“I like to draw and play on the trampoline. We didn’t have a trampoline at my old school”. (Mayce)

“I like storytime and bringing sharing on Friday.” (Alfie)

“I liked pedalmania. There was a whole bunch of different bikes. It was fun because I got to do it with all my friends.” (Phoebe)

This week we did some road safety with Jim Manning. An important message for parents was….

Year 2 Swimming -Parent Help urgently needed. Please email if you can help. 

Leaving at 11.20am - Back at school by 1.30pm

Swimming starts on Monday May 13 and finishes on Friday May 24. Swimming is part of the New Zealand Curriculum so it is expected that all children take part. It will be $81.50 for 10 lessons.

Year 3 Marae Trip to Ngāti Moki (Taumutu)

The Year 3 children will head out to Te Pa o Ngāti Moki near Leeston next term. As the marae is only able to accommodate 50 people at one time, we have had to split our Year 3’s into 3 separate groups and join with the Year 6’s. There are trips planned for 6 May, 20 May and 21 May. Here are the groups attending on each of these days.

 20 May (Week 4) Huarapa 4 (Whaea Deb's ako class- we have a parent already) & 6 (Whaea Andrea's Ako class)- going with Hikuwai 6

21 May (Week 4) Huarapa 5 (Whaea Brooklyn's Ako class)- going with Hikuwai 5

We will require a couple of parents to help. Parents will be required to say a short pepeha as part of the powhiri (welcome). We can help you with this but your children are somewhat experts on this!

Learning in class…. 

Maths- daily 

Health- Wellbeing practices and explicit teaching of the school values

P.E- Locomotion & Māori Games

Digital Technologies- Unplugged learning (learning required before the use of ipads)

Structured Literacy and Writing-  daily

Inquiry- Movement

The Arts: Music & Drama- Collage


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

End of Week 9 Notices

Happy Easter holiday everyone! Hard to believe it will be April shortly. We had a fun fortnight in Huarapa, with our inquiry learning and all other programmes well underway. We had 'Pedalmania' come on Monday with a wide variety of ‘wheels’ for the children to ride. This was part of our inquiry on movement. We enjoyed watching all the children take risks and give something new a go.  

We have a busy few weeks ahead with walks and trips planned. We will be seeking parent help to support these events.

We are missing some rocks from science from yesterday. Should these make there way home in school bags could these please be returned next week as they belong to a set. 

Reminder: There is no school on Tuesday. We will see everyone on Wednesday.

Road Safety

In Week 11 Senior Constable Jim Manning will be working with all the Junior children about road safety. We will have a class lesson and then a lesson along the street. 

We will be needing a couple of parents per ako class to help with this. Please let your child’s Ako teacher know if you are about to help. We will be doing a short walk in the vicinity of the school and looking at potential hazards (eg. sneaky driveways). All children will need their safety vest. 

Thursday April 11 - Walk with Constable Jim

12.00 - 12.45pm Huarapa 4 (Whaea Deb)

1.35 - 2.10pm Huarapa 5 (Whaea Brooklyn)

2.15 - 2.50pm Huarapa 6 (Whaea Andrea)

Year 2 Swimming

Early next term the Year 2 children will be heading to Rolleston pool each day for two weeks of swimming. This begins on Monday May 13 and finishes on Friday May 24. Swimming is part of the New Zealand Curriculum so it is expected that all children take part. More information regarding cost is still to come. We will require some wonderful parents to help each day to assist in managing the children getting changed etc. More information to come in the coming weeks.

Year 3 Marae Trip to Ngāti Moki (Taumutu)

The Year 3 children will head out to Te Pa o Ngāti Moki near Leeston next term. As the marae is only able to accommodate 50 people at one time, we have had to split our Year 3’s into 3 separate groups and join with the Year 6’s. There are trips planned for 6 May, 20 May and 21 May. Here are the groups attending on each of these days.

 20 May (Week 4) Huarapa 4 (Whaea Deb's ako class) & 6 (Whaea Andrea's Ako class)- going with Hikuwai 6

21 May (Week 4) Huarapa 5 (Whaea Brooklyn's Ako class)- going with Hikuwai 5

We will require a couple of parents to help. Parents will be required to say a short pepeha as part of the powhiri (welcome). We can help you with this but your children are somewhat experts on this!

Message From Nicky- Old school uniform (smaller sizes): We'd love any old school uniform you may be throwing out. We take these to our local pre-schools to use for 'dress ups'. Please give to Nicky in Teretere or drop to the office. Thank you.

Learning in class…. 

Maths- daily 

Health- Wellbeing practices and explicit teaching of the school values

P.E- Locomotion & Māori Games

Digital Technologies- Unplugged learning (learning required before the use of ipads)

Structured Literacy and Writing-  daily

Inquiry- Movement

The Arts: Music & Drama- Collage


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

End of Week 7 Notices

Not long to go until Easter! Our Inquiry is well underway. We have done some thinking about the mechanics of a bike (how a chain works) and the health benefits to biking and movement in general. The children are very interested in the fitness area but lets wait and see where this takes us. 

Wool in Schools- Unfortunately we didn't get to do 'Wool in Schools' as the previous had a break in and the contents of the container were damaged. 

Hero Comments- As teachers we do spend a considerable amount of time with these posts. Could we please ask you read these and share with your children. 

No wheelie shoes- As these shoes are unsafe particulary for P.E , we ask that these school are not to be worn to school. This is a whole wide rule. 

A request from the children: Could you all please collect empty groceries boxes for construction. Our box is currently empty

Reading Books- These will always come home on a Thursday or Friday and they must come home in reading folders to protect them from getting damaged in back packs. 

Maths Games: See below for a couple of Maths Games to play at home. The best way to learn Maths!

This coming week:

Wednesday- Paid Union Meeting. Early finish to school. Please let the office know if your child will be remaining at school.

Thursday- Elgregoe the Magican performance.

Learning in class…. 

Maths- daily 

Health- Establishing a positive learning environment and explicit teaching of the school values

P.E- Locomotion & Māori Games

Digital Technologies- Unplugged learning (learning required before the use of ipads)

Structured Literacy and Writing-  daily

Inquiry- Movement

The Arts: Music & Drama- experimentation with sound to add to a role play


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

End of Week 5 Notices

Hard to believe this is the end of week 5. All our regular learning programmes are now up and running. We started our inquiry this week with a scavenger hunt. The children found various random items which they discovered later to be all parts of a bike. Our overall theme is movement so it will be interesting to see where this leads.

Reading Books- These will always come home on a Thursday or Friday and they must come home in reading folders to protect them from getting damaged in back packs. 

Next week we will take part in the 'Wool in Schools' programme. There will be a container on site where these sessions will take place. We will also be doing some sessions with Jacob from Selwyn Sports Trust learning some Māori PE games. As a teaching team we did these games a few weeks ago and they are so much fun. The children are going to absolutely love these sessions with Jacob!

Jars with Lids- If anyone has any spare jars with lids Brooklyn is after quite a few for her for curiosity club. Please send along any you may have.\

Maths Games: See below for a couple of Maths Games to play at home. The best way to learn Maths!

Learning in class…. 

Maths- daily 

Health- Establishing a positive learning environment and explicit teaching of the school values

P.E- Locomotion & Māori Games

Digital Technologies- Unplugged learning (learning required before the use of ipads)

Structured Literacy and Writing-  daily

Inquiry- Movement

The Arts: Music & Drama- experimentation with sound to add to a role play, collage


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

End of Week 3 Notices

Here we are at the end of Week 3. The term feels like it is flying by already. This week we started our structured literacy programme and reading books will be home on Friday. There were some children without reading folders. Could you please make sure they have these. Reading books must come home in reading folders to protect them from getting damaged in back packs. 

Next Tuesday we are going to ‘create’ a dessert pizza. This resulted from collecting data as part of our statistics learning (Whaea Deb’s ako class). The children are very excited about making this. 

Curiosity Clubs started today. The children were very excited about this and wanted to share what they had done during this time.

For the last couple of weeks we have spent our afternoons doing wellbeing and health learning. The children are learning healthy wellbeing practices and learning lots of relationship building tasks as part of our health curriculum.

Learning in class…. 

Maths- Statistics

Health- Establishing a positive learning environment and explicit teaching of the school values

P.E- Locomotion

Digital Technologies- Unplugged learning (learning required before the use of ipads)

Structured Literacy and Writing-  daily


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

End of Week 1 Notices

And just like that we are at the end of the week! It has been great meeting new families to our space and catching up with last years ones. The kids have been amazing and really excited about being back, as are we. 

Most  of the notices were sent out in the previous post but a couple of new important ones.


Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Days to Remember

Welcome to 2024- Huarapa 4/5/6

A huge welcome to the 2024 school year. Also a warm welcome to our new children and their whanau who join our class this year. You are joining a very special school community here in Lincoln. 

Just a few housekeeping notes for the first few days

Andrea- andrea.harrison@ararira.school.nz

Brooklyn- brookyln.neame@ararira.school.nz

April - april.tougas@ararira.school.nz

Deb- deb.wesley@ararira.school.nz

Welcome to 2024 everyone! Let's go!