Hungry Caterpillars

Week 8 and 9, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Spell this:

  • Take a spelling card from the teacher and complete the activities with a buddy.
  • Take a picture when you have finished and upload it to Seesaw.

Solve This:

  • Get a word find from the teacher, complete it and glue it into your reading activities book.

Buddy reading:

  • Find a buddy and choose a book to read them from one of the library corners.
  • When you have finished reading ask your buddy to re-tell what happened in the story that you read to them.
  • Swap and get your buddy to read you a story from one of the library corners and you need to tell them whats happening in the book they are reading.
  • Write down in your reading activities book which story you chose to read to your buddy.

Listen to this:

  • Why do you think that they have included sign language in this video?
  • What are some of the things that Chester always did?
  • What are some things that you always like to do? Make a list in your reading activities book.
  • Why do you think Chester and Wilson were the same? What are some of the things that they both did?
  • Why didn't Chester and Wilson like Lily to begin with?
  • Why did Lily, Chester and Wilson all start playing together in the end? What made them all become friends?
  • What do you think will happen now that Victor has moved into the neighborhood?
  • In your reading activities book, make up another, different ending to the story.

Research this:

  • How can we use recyclable materials to make something that lives in the ocean?
  • Research something that you could make out of recycled materials.
  • Make a list in your reading activities book of the resources you will need to make your model.
  • Share this idea with a buddy.

Read this:

Read this article and click on the green tabs to find more information. Then answer the following questions in your reading activities book:

  • What is your definition of over fishing?
  • What is the impact of over fishing?
  • What causes over fishing?
  • How can we stop over fishing from happening in NZ?
  • Create a poster in your reading activities book asking people to stop over fishing in NZ and why.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.
  • Choose a handwriting card and complete this in your handwriting book.
  • Watch some of the Young Ocean Explorers videos and write down some facts in your reading activities book.

Week 7, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Watch this:

  • What does endangered mean?
  • Why are the shark numbers so low?
  • How many sharks are killed every year?
  • What are sharks killed for?
  • What does kaitiaki mean?
  • What are ways that you could help to protect the sharks in our oceans?

Read this:

  • Come and find a teacher to get an article about the ocean.
  • You need to read the article in pairs and then glue a set of questions into your reading activities book.
  • Answer the questions after you have read the article.

Listen to this:

  • What did Harry do with the scrubbing brush? Why did he do that?
  • Why do you think that Harry didn't like having a bath?
  • Why did Harry's family not recognise him when he was sitting outside the backdoor?
  • Why do you think that Harry's family wanted him to be clean?
  • Draw a picture in your reading activities book of a clean Harry and a dirty Harry.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 6, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Watch This:

1. What will happen in 2050?

2. How many tonnes of plastic are being made every year?

3. How much of this plastic is being dumped in our oceans?

4. How does plastic get into the oceans?

5. What is the plastic challenge?

6. Write a list of other challenges we could do, to stop the pollution of plastic in our oceans.

Listen to this:

1. What kind of creature was Clark's teacher?

2. How do you think Clark felt when the other fish didn't want to play with him at school?

3. How do you think Clark's friends felt when Clark was being too rough?

4. What was Clark's idea to help him to remember to stay cool?

5. What rhyming words can you come up with? Make a list in your reading activities book.

6. What did Clark do when Sid the Squid started school? How do you think Sid the Squid felt when Clark included him?

Read This:

This article is about recycling and has key facts about what recycling is.

  • Write down 5 new things you have learnt from this list in your reading activities book.
  • Write down a list of things you can do to help recycle in your community. What can you do at home and at school?
  • Share these ideas with a buddy.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 5, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Solve This:

New Zealand Boggler Puzzle

Listen to This:

Watch the Video and then answer the questions below in your reading activities book.

  • Write a summary of what happens in the book. What are the important main events or messages being told? Use these main events to retell the story.
  • What is a strike? Look in the dictionary or online to find what strike means in this story. Write the definition in your reading activities book.

Plastic, plastic everywhere......

Watch the you tube clip and answer the following questions. Make sure you answer them in your Reading Activity book, include the questions in your answers and write the date in the margin.

  • What is floating in the ocean causing harm to the environment and sea life?
  • What are some of the problems that plastic can cause?
  • How long can it takes for plastic to fully degrade?
  • What does degrade mean?
  • How big is the great pacific garbage patch?
  • How can we reduce the amount of plastic that goes to the landfill?
  • Where was the you tube clip based?
  • Do you think that other places in the world has this problem too?
  • What do you think you could use to store food and other things in instead of plastic?
  • What do you think will happen if we don't reduce the amount of plastic being used?

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 4, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Listen to this:

Watch the Video and then answer the questions below in your reading activities book.

1) What are some of the rhyming words in the story? List them in your book.

2) How often do they have the Jungle dance?

3)Why did Gerald not want to dance?

4) Who talked Gerald into giving dancing a go?

5) Think about other words that rhyme together and add them to your list.

Read this:

Read this piece of writing about Waitangi Day and then answer the following questions in your reading activities book. Don't forget to explain the question in your answer. Don't answer with just 1 word.

1) When was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?

2) Who was it signed by?

3) Why would it cause issues for the Maori and English treaties to say different things? Create a list of reasons why.

4) What do you do to celebrate Waitangi day?

5) Create a list of things you think should have been included in the Treaty of Waitangi.

Fast Finisher Tasks:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about the Holi Festival of colour. How many facts can you gather about the festival?
  • Use a chrome book to research about Chinese New Year. How many facts can you gather about the festival?