Captain Underpants

Week 3, Term 4

Catch Up:

  • Work on the reading activities from Week 1 if you have not finished them.
  • Finish the activities from your independent contract last week. Make sure that these are completed to a high standard and that you colour in the activities that you have finished.

Guided Reading Cards

  • Take a guided reading card from Miss Parkes and follow the instructions on the card.

Week 1, Term 4


Find the meaning of these words in the dictionary:

  • Contemplate
  • Plume
  • Tendon

Write the definition from the dictionary in your reading activities book.


  • Take a handwriting card and complete it in your handwriting book. Please keep it neat and tidy.
  • When you have finished put your book on Miss Parkes desk for marking.


This activity needs to be completed on Thursday.

You need to test a buddy on their spelling words and then they will test you. You then need to get 10 new words for the week and leave your notebook on Miss Parkes desk.

Watch This:

Watch the video called Octopus tries to escape tank at Seattle Aquarium and then complete the activities below:

  • Design a tank that the Octopus could live in. It has to have enough room for the octopus to move around in and it must make sure that the octopus can not escape.
  • Write a short story explaining what you think would happen next if the octopus got out of its tank. Be very creative and use your imagination!

Week 9 and 10, Term 3


  • See Miss Parkes for the Homonym activity sheet.
  • A Homonym is a word that has the same spelling and the same punctuation but has a different meaning.
  • E.g. Watch. Jack looked at his watch. Jane likes to watch tennis.

Catch up:

  • Work on any activities that you have not yet completed.
  • Scroll through the VLP page to check that you have completed all of the activities.

Seesaw Comments.

  • What makes a good Seesaw comment? How do we know when we have a good Seesaw comment?
  • Your comments need to be like a burger. start with a positive, give constructive feedback, end with a positive.
  • Examples of a good comment is: “Awesome Jack. I really like the way that you… Next time you could… Great job!”
  • Example of a bad comment is: “I like your work.”
  • Log on to Seesaw and comment on 5 different peoples work. The comments need to be like a burger. The comments will not be accepted if they are not following the right format.
  • Remember we are wanting to help our buddies to improve their work and help to give them goals for next time.

Kiwi Kids News - Meet the World's Smallest Horse

Read through the article and answer the following questions,

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

2. What was the key event from the news article?

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?

5. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

6. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

7. What did you find interesting about this article?

8. Would you recommend this article to others and why?


Read for 20 minutes on Epic. See how many points you can get during this time.

Week 8, Term 3


Read for 20 minutes on Epic. See how many points you can get during this time.

Literal and figurative meaning

  • In your reading activities book, write some examples of phrases that have both literal and figurative meaning. Try to think of at least 10 different phrases.

Kiwi Kids News

Read the article titled 'Sand Sensation' and answer the following questions.

1 - In 3 or 4 sentences summarise the main points of the article.

2 - When does sand sculpturing festival take place?

3 - When was the first sand sculpturing festival held?

4 - How many sand creations are carved?

5 - How long is the festival on for?

6 - Which town is the festival usually held in?

7 - What is the theme of this years festival?

8 - Name 4 of the sculptures that were created.

9 - Name another festival that also takes place in Belgium.

Long Vowel Hunt

  • Choose a book from the library area.
  • Read the book.
  • While you are reading, look for words with long vowel sounds in them.
  • Record the words you find on the Long Vowel Hunt sheet.
  • Glue the sheet into your SPELLING and WORDSTUDY book.

Week 7, Term 3

Seesaw Activity:

  • A lot of you haven't finished old seesaw activities. Please go through your activity list on Seesaw and ensure that you have completed all of the old reading activities.
  • Don't forget that I can see who has completed them and who hasn't. Please make sure that they are being finished.

WALT: Understand the difference between figurative and literal meaning.

In your reading activities book, write down the definition of figurative and literal meaning. Find these definitions in a dictionary.

Then make a list of phrases in your book that use both figurative and literal meaning.

Read and Watch this:

  • Read the article called "A real life Willy Wonka factory - Candytopia".
  • Also watch the video that is on the page about Candytopia.

In your reading activities book, answer the following questions:

1. Where is Candytopia?

2. What can you do at Candytopia?

3. Who created Candytopia?

4. If you had all the money you needed and could create a Candytopia in New Zealand... What would you have there and why? Where would your Candytopia be? Draw a picture of what your Candytopia would look like.

Reflection Time:

  • How did your reciprocal reading session go? Was everyone taking part? Did everyone get the chance to read?
  • Write a few sentences reflecting on how the reciprocal reading went in your reading activities book.

Week 6, Term 3

Seesaw Activity:

One page reading fluency.

  • Read and listen to the instructions and complete the Seesaw activity.

Dictionary Activities:

Take a copy of the dictionary activities from the green basket on the reading activities trolley. Complete the activities and glue this into your reading activities book.


  • Have a buddy in your group test you on your spelling words and then you test them.
  • When you have finished, get yourself 10 new spelling words and add them into your notebook.
  • Leave your notebook on Miss Parkes' desk for her to check. She will give them back to you before the end of the day.


  • Look in your mailbox to see the Captain Underpants collection.
  • Read through a book from your collection about a jungle animal of your choice.
  • When you have finished reading the book, write down some key points and facts into your reading activities book.
  • Then create a video on Seesaw sharing the facts that you have learnt about the jungle animal.

Read this:

Read the story: The Penny Walk in School Journal, April 2012. Then in your reading activities book, answer the following questions:

  • What was Louisa's character like? How was she different to Hazel?
  • Do you think that playing the coin toss game was a good idea? Why/Why not?
  • Why did Louisa smile at the end of the story when Hazel ran away?
  • What did Louisa find in the old butcher shop?
  • Draw a picture in your reading activities book of your favourite part in the story. Make sure to add lots of colour and detail.

Week 4 and 5, Term 3


  • Read a chapter book of your choice on Epic.
  • When you have finished reading the book, create a book review in your reading activities book.

Your book review must include:

  • Your rating of the book out of 5
  • A quick summary of the book (without giving it all away)
  • Why you would recommend this book to others
  • Draw an illustration of your favourite part in the book.


  • Complete the beginning, middle and end activity on Seesaw.
  • You need to read a story of your choice and then complete the Seesaw activity.
  • Use the label tags to type your answers.

Board Game:

Take a board game template from Miss Parkes's reading activities box. You also need to take a set of instructions.

You need to create a board game about upcycling/repurposing. You will be able to use counters if you need them and can draw your avatars for the game if needed. You will need to create a set of rules about your game so that others know how to play it.

You need to be creative!!!

Kiwi Kids News

  • Read the article by Kiwi kids news about New Zealand banning plastic bags.
  • You can choose to write a letter about...

1. Encouraging other countries to ban plastic bags like New Zealand.

2. A letter to the New Zealand Government about why we should keep using plastic bags.

  • You need to be able to argue your point and give clear reasons about why you think one of these things should happen. Use your persuasive language.

Week 3, Term 3

Seesaw Activity

Complete the activity on Seesaw called 'Fiction Booksnap'.

You need to read a fiction book and follow the instructions on the Seesaw post. Make sure that you listen to the instructions before you start the activity.

Long I Vowel Sound:

Write a story in your reading activities book using as many long I sounds as you can. When you have finished use a jovi to colour in all of the long I sounds that you have.

Week 2, Term 3


  • Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are given to objects or animals. An example of this would be: The clouds were crying cold tears.
  • Take a powerful personification activity sheet from the Room 2 whiteboard.
  • Glue the sheet into your book and complete the activity.
  • Once you have finished, share it on Seesaw and make a caption using your own personification sentence.


  • What is repurposing? Find a definition of repurposing and create a poster in your reading activities book explaining what it is.


  • Read the article below about dolphins and then write a brief summary about the key points in your reading activities book.
  • Please make sure to summarise this in your own words.

Long A vowel sound

  • Complete the spelling bee's story activity sheet in the Captain Underpants book box.
  • Glue this into your reading activities book.

Long E vowel sound

  • Complete the long E vowel hunt activity sheet. Glue this into your spelling and word study book.

Term 2

See Teacher

  • Working on your living on Mars booklet.

Extension Activity

Read the story and then answer the following questions in your reading activities book.

1. How does food rot?

2. What are bacteria?

3. What is the difference between a use by date and a best before date?

4. Is this text fiction or non fiction? Explain why you think this.

5. What does a vacuum sealer do? List some ways you could use this in your house.


  • You need to research what a human would require to live on another planet. Is it possible? How can we make it possible? What would we need to survive?
  • Use articles, websites and books. You need to have a reference page that records where you found your information.
  • See the teacher on how to present this research.

Websites that will help you get started:

Week 3, Term 2

Read through this google doc:

  • We will work through this together as a group and then you can finish this activity.
  • Navigate through this google doc about the different planets in the solar system.
  • Create a google slide about each planet and their attributes (are they hot/cold, can humans live on them?). Make sure that you include facts about each planet and how they are similar/different from one another.
  • I have shared the google doc to you all. Please check your 'shared with me' folder.

Week 2, Term 2

Our Solar System

Watch the YouTube video called 'Our Solar System' and complete the following task.

  • How many planets are in our solar system?
  • List 3 new pieces of information that you have learnt from this clip.
  • What are three things that you would like to find out about the solar system? (write these down).
  • What is the Milky Way?
  • Is the sun a star?
  • How hot is the sun?
  • What is gravity and why is it so important to us on earth?
  • What planet do we live on?

If the answers to these questions are not in the you tube clip then you will need to do your own research to find them.

Topic Title Page

Our topic this term is called 'Out of This World'. In your topic book, create a title page that reflects this terms topic. Make sure your title page has the following;

  • The title (Out of This World).
  • A border
  • Illustrations (that match our topic)
  • Colour

Quiz Time!

Research the answers to the following questions. Put your answers onto a google doc and once finished, post this to Seesaw. Check your answers with a buddy to see if you have found different answers,

1. What is the closest planet to the Sun?

2. What is the name of the 2nd biggest planet in our solar system?

3. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

4. What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?

5. What planet is famous for the beautiful rings that surround it?

Cloze Activity

This activity will help us to see what you already know about space. Read through the text and use the words at the bottom of the page to fill in the gaps.

Make sure you re read each sentence to check that the words you have used in the gaps make sense with the rest of the sentence.

This activity is in the black box that has the title 'Cloze Activity' on the front.

Weeks 9 & 10, Term 1

Autumn is all around us.

Once you have finished your other activities have a go at completing this fun word find.

The word find is in the pink plastic contained beside the whiteboard.

Writing & Publishing

Use some of your time during reading to finish off the explanation that you are working on. This particular piece of writing needs to be completed, checked by a teacher, published as a google doc and then uploaded to Seesaw by Thursday.

You need to -

  • Make sure your draft is finished and you have worked through the writing process (except the sharing stage).
  • Conferenced with a teacher and had your work marked.
  • Typed up your explanation on a google doc.
  • Uploaded your google doc to your seesaw account.

Commonwealth Games 2018

This week the commonwealth games start on the Gold Coast in Australia. As part of the games a mascot has been created. Watch the video about the mascot for this years Commonwealth games and complete the following activity. If you are not sure of the answers you may want to research to find out more.

  • What is the Commonwealth games?
  • Where are the 2018 Commonwealth games being held?
  • List 5 countries that are involved int he Commonwealth games.
  • What is a mascot?
  • What is the name of the mascot or the 2018 Commonwealth games?
  • Do you think we need a mascot for Team Tui? make sure you justify your answer (say why you think this).
  • Create drawing of a mascot that you think would be good for Team Tui.

Click on the link above to view the video.

Sentence or Question?

Read though the statements and decide if they are a question or sentence. At the end of each question add a question mark and then finish the sentences off by adding a full stop (also known as a period).

This worksheet is in the pink container next to the whiteboard.

make sure you glue the activity into your Reading Activity book when you have finished.

The Garbage Barge

Watch the online story 'The Garbage Barge' and complete the following questions.

  • What is a Barge? (You may need to look this up).
  • What is the problem in the story?
  • How is the problem caused?
  • Is the problem solved? How is it solved?
  • Can you think of another way to solve the problem?
  • Who are the main characters in the story?
  • Where is the story set?
  • List the main events in the order they happened in the story.
  • What did you like or dislike about this story? Make sure you justify your answer (say why you think this).

Week 8, Term 1

Hector and Maui Dolphins

Read the article about Hector's and Maui's Dolphins and answer the following questions.

Remember to write your answers so that they include the question in them.

Date and Title!

  • Where did the main event from the article take place?
  • In your own words write a 3-4 sentence summary of the article.
  • How many Hector's and Maui dolphins were there in the 1970's?
  • What does the word Endangered mean?
  • What is a baby dolphin called?
  • Why are Hector and Maui dolphins endangered?
  • List some of the threats to the Hector's and Maui dolphins.
  • Is there anything that you could do to help the Hector's and Maui dolphins to be at less risk of becoming extinct?
book review

Book Review

Choose a book from the library area and complete a book review about it.

  • Read the book carefully.
  • Complete you review of the book.
  • Glue your book review into your Reading Activity book. Make sure you include the date in the margin.

Coral transplants could help Great Barrier Reef

Read the article 'Coral transplants could help Great Barrier Reef' and then complete a Non Fiction text Review.

Both the article and non fiction text review can be found in the pink plastic container by the whiteboard.

Make sure you glue the review into your Reading Activity book

Week 7

Kiwi Kids News

Read the article'Oil rig blows ashore in Scotland' and answer the following questions.

  • What is an Oil Rig?
  • What sort of damage could have been done to the coastline by the oil rig blowing ashore?
  • Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
  • What was the key event from the news article?
  • Where did them main event take place?
  • When did the main event take place?
  • Why is oil a hazard to the marine environment?
  • What do you think could be done to avoid this happening in the future?


  • Choose one of the handwriting cards. Make sure it is a letter that you haven't used yet.
  • In your Handwriting book, copy the card down correctly, making sure that your handwriting is the best that you can do.
  • When you have finished make sure you miss a line and rule off in red pen.

Young Ocean Explorers

  • Watch the video 'Why Is Plastic So Bad For Sea Creatures?'
  • Write a summary (2-3 sentences) explaining why plastic is so bad for sea creatures.
  • Create a poster (in your reading activity book) that teaches people why plastic is bad for sea creatures.
  • Using Seesaw, take a photo of your poster and then record yourself reading the summery that you have written.

Fast Finishers

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb (a few sentences) explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 6, Term 1

Over the next few weeks use this page to help guide and support your 'Sea Week' inquiry.

What is an Inquiry?

An inquiry is when you further investigate and learn about a topic of interest.

Over the next few weeks you will be able to use the Sea Week theme to develop and research your own inquiry.

I will be working with your group twice a week, once on your inquiry and once as a guided reading session.

During your independent reading time you are expected to do the following;

  • Use websites and other helpful resources that will help you to develop your inquiry.
  • Collaborate and work together where possible.
  • Meet your weekly check point deadlines.
  • Work towards creating a presentation or another way of sharing your inquiry with others.

Websites that may be helpful

Inquiry Template

Use this as a support to help guide your inquiry. Make Sure you make a copy of the document and save it into your Reading folder in your google drive.

Inquiry Template

Week 6, Term 1

The Rainbow Fish

Listen to the online reading of 'The Rainbow Fish' and complete the following activity.

  • What is the moral of the story/what was the lesson that the Rainbow fish learnt?
  • Why didn't the Rainbow Fish want to share his scales?
  • Explain how you think the Rainbow fish felt when he decided to share his scales? why do you think he felt this way?
  • Design your own rainbow scale. Your scale needs to be about half a page big.

*Remember to set your work out correctly with the date and a title.

Ocean Facts

Read the Ocean Facts article and answer the following questions. Make sure your work is set out correctly with the date in the margin and the questions included in your answers.

  • List four new pieces of information/facts that you ave learnt from this text.
  • Write down two things that you would like to learn about the ocean.
  • Why is it important to protect our ocean/marine environment?
  • What can you do to help protect marine/sea life?
  • What do you think will happen to the ocean if people keep treating it the way it is being treated now?
  • Name some of the facilitating discoveries you have made when at the beach.

The Plastic Problem

  • Why is plastic a major problem in the ocean?
  • Where does the plastic in the ocean come from?
  • What happens to the rubbish in the ocean?
  • What are some simple things that we can do to reduce the amount of rubbish in the ocean? can we all make a difference?
  • What causes the rubbish to gather and swirl in particular parts of the ocean?
  • Create a poster in your Reading Activity book that encourages people not to use single use plastic. Your poster should have a title, a powerful message, colour, and take up the whole page.
  • Once you have completed your poster, take a photo of it and upload it to your Seesaw account. Make sure you add a caption to your post explaining the purpose of your poster.

Week 5, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Kiwi Kids News

Read the article below and answer the following questions. Write your answers in your Reading Activity book.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

2. What was the key event from the news article?

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?

5. Why is rubbish in the ocean a problem?

6. What else could we do to reduce the amount of rubbish in the ocean?

7. Who or what is affected by ocean pollution?

9. How could this problem have been avoided?

10. What are you going to do differently when you visit the beach to make sure your rubbish doesn't end up in the ocean?

Plastic, plastic everywhere......

Watch the you tube clip and answer the following questions. Make sure you answer them in your Reading Activity book, include the questions in your answers and write the date in the margin.

  • What is floating in the ocean causing harm to the environment and sea life?
  • What are some of the problems that plastic can cause?
  • How long can it takes for plastic to fully degrade?
  • What does degrade mean?
  • How big is the great pacific garbage patch?
  • How can we reduce the amount of plastic that goes to the landfill?
  • Where was the you tube clip based?
  • Do you think that other places in the world has this problem too?
  • What do you think you could use to store food and other things in instead of plastic?
  • What do you think will happen if we don't reduce the amount of plastic being used?

The Seal In Our Driveway

Story Review

Read the text 'The Seal In Our Driveway' (This can be found in the box by the whiteboard).

Complete the story review.

Glue the Story Review into your Reading Response book. Don't forget to include the date.

book review

Week 4, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Solve This

New Zealand Boggler Puzzle

Read This

Read 'Waitangi Day:The Treaty of Waitangi and then answer the following questions about the text. Make sure your work is set out correctly in your Reading Activity book.

Waitangi Day: The Treaty of Waitangi

adrienne5 February, 2013 5 Comments

The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in the grounds of James Busby’s house in Waitangi, in the Bay of Islands. It was signed on February 6th 1840 and is considered by many to be the founding document of New Zealand. It was signed by 500 Maori Chiefs and the British Leaders representing the British Crown.

There were two different versions signed, one in Maori and one in English. The wording was not exactly the same. And so the words did not mean the same to both parties, this has caused many problems over the years. Especially as past Governments have not always abided by the Treaty agreements.

Since 1974 New Zealand has celebrated Waitangi Day On February 6th each year as a Public Holiday (which means you get a day off school!).

Some celebrate it by re-enacting the treaty signing at Waitangi (in the Bay of Islands) others as a day to celebrate being a New Zealander.

What are you doing to celebrate Waitangi Day?

Questions to answer

  • When is Waitangi Day?
  • Where was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?
  • When was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?
  • Who signed the treaty?
  • How many different versions of the treaty were there?
  • Were both versions of the treaty the same?
  • What problems do you think were caused by having two different versions of the treaty?
  • How do some people celebrate Waitangi day?
  • What could you do to celebrate Waitangi day?

Listen To This

Listen to the story 'A Bad Case of Stripes' and complete the task.


Imagine you have a bad case of stripes. What could have caused your stripes? what have you eaten that has given you the stripes? What do you look like with your stripes?

Draw a picture of you with your bad case of stripes.

Your picture needs to;

  • Have a title at the top of your page.
  • Take up one whole page in your Reading activity book.
  • Be a picture of you with your bad case of stripes.
  • Include colour.

Once you have finished your picture write a short blurb (a couple of sentences) that explains what caused your bad stripes and what you are going to do to get rid of them.

Fast Finishers

If you finish your 'Watch This', 'Read This' and 'Listen to This' activities have a go at the Spelling and Typing games below.