Curious George

Week 9 Reading Activities
Week 8 Reading Activities
Week 7 Reading Activities
Week 5 Reading Activities
Reading Activities, Week 4, Ter, 4

Week 3, Term 4

Catch Up:

  • Work on the reading activities from Week 1 if you have not finished them.
  • Finish the activities from your independent contract last week. Make sure that these are completed to a high standard and that you colour in the activities that you have finished.

Guided Reading Cards

  • Take a guided reading card from Miss Parkes and follow the instructions on the card.

Week 1, Term 4


Find the meaning of these words in the dictionary:

  • Contemplate
  • Plume
  • Tendon

Write the definition from the dictionary in your reading activities book.


  • Take a handwriting card and complete it in your handwriting book. Please keep it neat and tidy.
  • When you have finished put your book on Miss Parkes desk for marking.


This activity needs to be completed on Thursday.

You need to test a buddy on their spelling words and then they will test you. You then need to get 10 new words for the week and leave your notebook on Miss Parkes desk.

Watch This:

Watch the video called Octopus tries to escape tank at Seattle Aquarium and then complete the activities below:

  • Design a tank that the Octopus could live in. It has to have enough room for the octopus to move around in and it must make sure that the octopus can not escape.
  • Write a short story explaining what you think would happen next if the octopus got out of its tank. Be very creative and use your imagination!

Week 9 and 10, Term 3


  • See Miss Parkes for the Homonym activity sheet.
  • A Homonym is a word that has the same spelling and the same punctuation but has a different meaning.
  • E.g. Watch. Jack looked at his watch. Jane likes to watch tennis.

Catch up:

  • Work on any activities that you have not yet completed.
  • Scroll through the VLP page to check that you have completed all of the activities.

Seesaw Comments.

  • What makes a good Seesaw comment? How do we know when we have a good Seesaw comment?
  • Your comments need to be like a burger. start with a positive, give constructive feedback, end with a positive.
  • Examples of a good comment is: “Awesome Jack. I really like the way that you… Next time you could… Great job!”
  • Example of a bad comment is: “I like your work.”
  • Log on to Seesaw and comment on 5 different peoples work. The comments need to be like a burger. The comments will not be accepted if they are not following the right format.
  • Remember we are wanting to help our buddies to improve their work and help to give them goals for next time.

Kiwi Kids News - Meet the World's Smallest Horse

Read through the article and answer the following questions,

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

2. What was the key event from the news article?

3. Where did this event take place?

4. When did this event take place?

5. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

6. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

7. What did you find interesting about this article?

8. Would you recommend this article to others and why?


Read for 20 minutes on Epic. See how many points you can get during this time.

Week 8, Term 3


Spend 20 minutes reading through your selection of texts on Epic. See how many points you can earn during this time.

Kiwi Kids News

Read the article titled 'Sand Sensation' and answer the following questions.

1 - In 3 or 4 sentences summarise the main points of the article.

2 - When does sand sculpturing festival take place?

3 - When was the first sand sculpturing festival held?

4 - How many sand creations are carved?

5 - How long is the festival on for?

6 - Which town is the festival usually held in?

7 - What is the theme of this years festival?

8 - Name 4 of the sculptures that were created.

9 - Name another festival that also takes place in Belgium.

Long Vowel Hunt

  • Choose a book from the library area.
  • Read the book.
  • While you are reading, look for words with long vowel sounds in them.
  • Record the words you find on the Long Vowel Hunt sheet.
  • Glue the sheet into your SPELLING and WORDSTUDY book.

Character Profile

Watch the online story 'Private I.' Choose one of the characters from the story and complete a character profile on them.

Make sure you use lots of interesting adjectives (describing words) to help describe your character and what they do in the story.

The character profile sheets are in Miss Parkes blue box.

Week 7, Term 3

Read this:

Read the poem "The Dare" from the reader in your book box.

Make a list in your reading activities book of all the long vowel sounds that you can find in the poem.

See if you can find more words than your buddy in your group.

The person in your group to find the most long vowel sound words will get 2 stickers.

Seesaw Activity:

  • A lot of you haven't finished old seesaw activities. Please go through your activity list on Seesaw and ensure that you have completed all of the old reading activities.
  • Don't forget that I can see who has completed them and who hasn't. Please make sure that they are being finished.

Punctuation Activity:

Take a punctuation activity from Miss Parkes reading activities basket. Please complete this activity and glue it into your spelling and word study book.

Read and Watch this:

  • Read the article called "A real life Willy Wonka factory - Candytopia".
  • Also watch the video that is on the page about Candytopia.

In your reading activities book, answer the following questions:

1. Where is Candytopia?

2. What can you do at Candytopia?

3. Who created Candytopia?

4. If you had all the money you needed and could create a Candytopia in New Zealand... What would you have there and why? Where would your Candytopia be? Draw a picture of what your Candytopia would look like.

Week 6, Term 3

Watch this:

WALT: Identify how the author uses language to convey meaning and influence the reader.

  • Listen to the story called I wanna Iguana.

In your reading activities book you need to write about these things...

  • What message was the author sharing with their reader?
  • What language did the author use to make you think this?
  • In your reading activities book, write a letter to your parents trying to convince them of something. Make sure that you are using lots of persuasive language.

Seesaw Activity:

One page reading fluency.

  • Read and listen to the instructions and complete the Seesaw activity.


Look at your groups. book collection on Epic.

Read the story called: Can I bring Wooly to the library Ms. Reeder?

When you have finished the story.. answer these questions in your reading activities book:

  • What was the boy trying to persuade Ms Reeder to do?
  • What language did the author use to make you think that this was the message being shared?
  • Do you think that Ms Reeder would say yes to having Wooly in the library? Why/Why not?


  • Have a buddy in your group test you on your spelling words and then you test them.
  • When you have finished, get yourself 10 new spelling words and add them into your notebook.
  • Leave your notebook on Miss Parkes' desk for her to check. She will give them back to you before the end of the day.

Week 4 and 5, Term 3


  • Read How tiger got his stripes and the chicken licken story then answer the questions in the quiz.
  • You will find this in the Aladdin, Mogli and Curious George collection in your epic mailbox.


  • Complete the beginning, middle and end activity on Seesaw.
  • You need to read a story of your choice and then complete the Seesaw activity.
  • Use the label tags to type your answers.

Recycling Comprehension Activity:

  • Take a recycling comprehension activity from Miss Parkes's reading activities box.
  • Read the article and then answer the questions. Then glue this into your reading activities book.

Kiwi Kids News

  • Read the article by Kiwi kids news about New Zealand banning plastic bags.
  • You can choose to write a letter about...

1. Encouraging other countries to ban plastic bags like New Zealand.

2. A letter to the New Zealand Government about why we should keep using plastic bags.

  • You need to be able to argue your point and give clear reasons about why you think one of these things should happen. Use your persuasive language.

Week 3, Term 3

Seesaw Activity

Complete the activity on Seesaw called 'Fiction Booksnap'.

You need to read a fiction book and follow the instructions on the Seesaw post. Make sure that you listen to the instructions before you start the activity.

Book Review:

Take a book review sheet from the resource box. Read a book of your choice and then fill in the review sheet.

Think about the characters in your book. How are they introduced? What are they like? Make a list next to your worksheet about the attributes of the character you have chosen.

Glue the book review into your reading activities book.


Read the article about the shipwreck in Wellington.

Write down the key points from the article in your reading activities book.

Draw a picture of a shipwreck under the sea in your reading activities book, and write a little story about your picture and what had happened to the ship

Long I Vowel Sound:

Write a story in your reading activities book using as many long I sounds as you can. When you have finished use a jovi to colour in all of the long I sounds that you have.

Week 2, Term 3

Long A vowel sound

  • Complete the long A vowel hunt activity sheet. Glue this into your spelling and word study book.

Long E vowel sound

  • Complete the long E vowel hunt activity sheet. Glue this into your spelling and word study book.

Watch this:

  • Watch and listen to this story and then answer the questions below.

1. What kind of doughnut was Arnie?

2. What were the amazing things that happened to Arnie on the morning he was put in the cabinet?

3. Why did Arnie think that being picked by a customer was very exciting?

4. Why was it so surprising to Arnie that humans ate doughnuts?

5. Why did Mr Bing not want to eat Arnie?

6. What did Arnie suggest that Mr Bing could do instead of eating him?

7. What did Mr Bing suggest that he could do with Arnie instead of eating him?

8. What happened to Arnie at the end of the story?

9. What do you think of the story? What was your favourite part and why?


  • Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are given to objects or animals. An example of this would be: The clouds were crying cold tears.
  • Take a powerful personification activity sheet from the Room 2 whiteboard.
  • Glue the sheet into your book and complete the activity.
  • Once you have finished, share it on Seesaw and make a caption using your own personification sentence.


  • What is repurposing? Find a definition of repurposing and create a poster in your reading activities book explaining what it is.

Week 10, Term 2

Matariki Word Search

  • Complete the Matariki word search on the Room 2 whiteboard and glue this into your reading activities book.

Matariki Comprehension Activity

  • Take a Matariki text from the Room 2 whiteboard.
  • Read the text and then answer the questions on the left of the sheet. Glue this into your reading activity book.

Matariki Poster

Create a Matariki Poster in your reading activities book. Make sure that you...

  • Include the 7 stars in your poster and the names of the stars.
  • Have a title.
  • Make sure that you include lots of colour.

Week 8, Term 2

Catch up:

Please go through the activities from last week and make sure that they are all completed.

If you have any sticky notes in your book for unfinished work, please get rid of them.

Seesaw Activity:

  • Complete the Space Word Unscramble activity on Seesaw.
  • When you have completed the activity post it on to Seesaw for the teacher to approve.
  • Please also finish the Cheese Maze activity if you have not done it already.

Edward White Space Activity:

  • Take an Edward White activity sheet from the room 2 whiteboard.
  • Answer the questions on the activity sheet and glue this into your reading activities book when you have completed it.

Week 7, Term 2

WALT: Skim and scan texts to locate important information.

Skim read this article and write down the key points into your reading activities book.

Think about the key pieces of information that will help you to retell what happened in the article.

Catch Up:

  • I have had a look through your reading activity books.
  • I have left post it notes on some of the pages where the work has not been finished.
  • You need to look through your reading activities book and fix all of the post it note pages, if you have some in your book.


After your teacher session, you must post a reflection on Seesaw about:

  • Something you learnt.
  • Something you would like to work more on.

Your reflection could be a video, a picture of the work you have done with a caption, or a drawing.

You also need to go through and post 3 positive comments on another persons work.


Create a poster in your reading activities book. Your poster needs to explain the difference between a fiction and a non-fiction book.

You must include:

  • A title
  • An explanation of what a fiction/non-fiction book is.
  • Examples of fiction and non-fiction books.
  • Illustrations

Fast Finisher Activities:

Have a look through the reading activities trolley. Complete some of the games on the trolley or a fast finishers work sheet. Complete these worksheets in your reading activities book.

Week 6, Term 2

Read this:

Read the story and then answer the following questions in your reading activities book.

1. How does food rot?

2. What are bacteria?

3. What is the difference between a use by date and a best before date?

4. Is this text fiction or non fiction? Explain why you think this.

5. What does a vacuum sealer do? List some ways you could use this in your house.

Similes about me Worksheet:

  • Get the Similes about me worksheet from the room 2 whiteboard.
  • Complete this sheet and glue it into your reading activities book.
  • Share your sentences with a buddy.

Vector activity booklet:

  • Complete the activities in your vector activity booklet.
  • If you have finished this already, you are a SUPER STAR!!

Week 5, Term 2

Vector activity booklet:

  • Work through the activities in your Vector activity booklet.
  • Make sure that you are reading every page and answering all questions.
  • When you have finished your booklet, bring it to a teacher so that they can check it and give you a couple more questions to answer.

What are these things?

Before your reading session with the teacher, look up what these things are.

  • Metaphor
  • Simile
  • Alliteration

Make sure you have an understanding on what each one is and provide an example in your reading activities book. We will talk about them and find more examples together when we work as a group.

Quiz Time!

16. Ganymede is a moon of which planet?

17. What is the name of Saturn’s largest moon?

18. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?

19. Does the sun orbit the Earth?

20. Is the planet Neptune bigger than Earth?

Week 4, Term 2

Quiz Time!

11. Have human beings ever set foot on Mars?

12. What is the name of a place that uses telescopes and other scientific equipment to research space and astronomy?

13. What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope?

14. Earth is located in which galaxy?

15. What is the name of the first satellite sent into space?

Read this:

WALT: Justify our own opinion about a story.

  • Read the text ' I spy' on the room 2 whiteboard. Please do not draw on the story as other people will need to use it.
  • When you have finished reading, write down your thoughts of the story in your reading activities book.
  • Did you like it? Why? Why not?
  • Do you think that an apple tree would be able to grow on a rock planet? Why? Why not?
  • Justify your answer. Justify means explain why you think this way and give reasons to support your answer.


  • Create a story in your reading activities book using all of the words you are practicing for spelling this week.
  • Your story needs to make sense and have the correct punctuation and spelling.
  • Share this story with a buddy when finished.

Week 3, Term 2

WALT skim read texts to find important pieces of information.

  • Skim read the article called "Can humans live on Mars" by the Room 2 whiteboard.
  • While you are skim reading, write down the important pieces of information you find into your reading activities book. Please do not draw on the articles as other people need to use them.
  • Make sure that the important pieces of information you find are written down in the right order. This will help it to make sense when you read your facts later.
  • When you have finished take a picture of this and post it to Seesaw.

Quiz Time!

Research the answers to the following questions. Put your answers onto the same google doc as last week. Check your answers with a buddy to see if you have found different answers.

6. Can humans breathe normally in space as they can on Earth?

7. Is the sun a star or a planet?

8. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

9. What planet is known as the red planet?

10. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?

Week 2, Term 2

Quiz Time!

Research the answers to the following questions. Put your answers onto a google doc and once finished, post this to Seesaw. Check your answers with a buddy to see if you have found different answers,

1. What is the closest planet to the Sun?

2. What is the name of the 2nd biggest planet in our solar system?

3. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?

4. What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?

5. What planet is famous for the beautiful rings that surround it?


Choose a picture book from the library corner. Read this book and then take a picture of the cover and post it on Seesaw. You need to add a caption to your photo about what happens in the story.

Watch this:

Watch the video and then answer the following questions:

  • Write down 10 things you have learnt from watching this video.
  • Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  • Which planet is the third from the sun?
  • What does Goldilocks planet mean? Why do you think they called it the Goldilocks planet?
  • Does Mars have a hot or cold atmosphere?
  • Would you like to live on Mars? Explain why/why not.
  • What is Jupiter made out of? Can we live on it?
  • How long does it take Neptune to orbit around the sun?
  • How many planets are there in the solar system? What are their names?

Week 8 and 9, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Spell this:

  • Take a spelling card from the teacher and complete the activities with a buddy.
  • Take a picture when you have finished and upload it to Seesaw.

Solve This:

  • Get a word find from the teacher, complete it and glue it into your reading activities book.

Buddy reading:

  • Find a buddy and choose a book to read them from one of the library corners.
  • When you have finished reading ask your buddy to re-tell what happened in the story that you read to them.
  • Swap and get your buddy to read you a story from one of the library corners and you need to tell them whats happening in the book they are reading.
  • Write down in your reading activities book which story you chose to read to your buddy.

Listen to this:

  • Why do you think that they have included sign language in this video?
  • What are some of the things that Chester always did?
  • What are some things that you always like to do? Make a list in your reading activities book.
  • Why do you think Chester and Wilson were the same? What are some of the things that they both did?
  • Why didn't Chester and Wilson like Lily to begin with?
  • Why did Lily, Chester and Wilson all start playing together in the end? What made them all become friends?
  • What do you think will happen now that Victor has moved into the neighborhood?
  • In your reading activities book, make up another, different ending to the story.

Research this:

  • How can we use recyclable materials to make something that lives in the ocean?
  • Research something that you could make out of recycled materials.
  • Make a list in your reading activities book of the resources you will need to make your model.
  • Share this idea with a buddy.

Read this:

Read this article and click on the green tabs to find more information. Then answer the following questions in your reading activities book:

  • What is your definition of over fishing?
  • What is the impact of over fishing?
  • What causes over fishing?
  • How can we stop over fishing from happening in NZ?
  • Create a poster in your reading activities book asking people to stop over fishing in NZ and why.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.
  • Choose a handwriting card and complete this in your handwriting book.
  • Watch some of the Young Ocean Explorers videos and write down some facts in your reading activities book.

Week 7, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Watch this:

  • What does endangered mean?
  • Why are the shark numbers so low?
  • How many sharks are killed every year?
  • What are sharks killed for?
  • What does kaitiaki mean?
  • What are ways that you could help to protect the sharks in our oceans?

Read this:

  • Come and find a teacher to get an article about the ocean.
  • You need to read the article in pairs and then glue a set of questions into your reading activities book.
  • Answer the questions after you have read the article.

Listen to this:

  • What did Harry do with the scrubbing brush? Why did he do that?
  • Why do you think that Harry didn't like having a bath?
  • Why did Harry's family not recognise him when he was sitting outside the backdoor?
  • Why do you think that Harry's family wanted him to be clean?
  • Draw a picture in your reading activities book of a clean Harry and a dirty Harry.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 6, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Watch This:

1. What will happen in 2050?

2. How many tonnes of plastic are being made every year?

3. How much of this plastic is being dumped in our oceans?

4. How does plastic get into the oceans?

5. What is the plastic challenge?

6. Write a list of other challenges we could do, to stop the pollution of plastic in our oceans.

Listen to this:

1. What kind of creature was Clark's teacher?

2. How do you think Clark felt when the other fish didn't want to play with him at school?

3. How do you think Clark's friends felt when Clark was being too rough?

4. What was Clark's idea to help him to remember to stay cool?

5. What rhyming words can you come up with? Make a list in your reading activities book.

6. What did Clark do when Sid the Squid started school? How do you think Sid the Squid felt when Clark included him?

Read This:

This article is about recycling and has key facts about what recycling is.

  • Write down 5 new things you have learnt from this list in your reading activities book.
  • Write down a list of things you can do to help recycle in your community. What can you do at home and at school?
  • Share these ideas with a buddy.

Fast Finisher Activities:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 5, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Solve This:

New Zealand Boggler Puzzle

Listen to This:

Watch the Video and then answer the questions below in your reading activities book.

  • Write a summary of what happens in the book. What are the important main events or messages being told? Use these main events to retell the story.
  • What is a strike? Look in the dictionary or online to find what strike means in this story. Write the definition in your reading activities book.

Plastic, plastic everywhere......

Watch the you tube clip and answer the following questions. Make sure you answer them in your Reading Activity book, include the questions in your answers and write the date in the margin.

  • What is floating in the ocean causing harm to the environment and sea life?
  • What are some of the problems that plastic can cause?
  • How long can it takes for plastic to fully degrade?
  • What does degrade mean?
  • How big is the great pacific garbage patch?
  • How can we reduce the amount of plastic that goes to the landfill?
  • Where was the you tube clip based?
  • Do you think that other places in the world has this problem too?
  • What do you think you could use to store food and other things in instead of plastic?
  • What do you think will happen if we don't reduce the amount of plastic being used?

Fast Finisher Tasks:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about Seaweek. What facts can you find? List them in your reading activities book.

Week 4, Term 1

Over the course of the week you are expected to work your way through all of these activities. If you finish early, go to the Fast Finishers activities and have a go at completing them too.

Listen to this:

Watch the Video and then answer the questions below in your reading activities book.

1) What is the tiny towns name in Grandpas bedtime story?

2) If there was leftover food that had fallen from the sky, what would the people do with it?

3) Which food covered the school and made it close down?

4) If you could wish for food to fall from the sky, what would you wish for? Write a list and then compare it with a buddies.

Read this:

Read the information in the link about the important events leading up to and after the Treaty of Waitangi. Create a timeline in your reading activities book with the events that you believe are most important. Click here to see the link.

Fast Finisher Tasks:

  • Choose a book from the library corner. Read it, then write a blurb explaining what happened in the book you read. Draw a picture to go with your explanation.
  • Read a story from the library corner or a book of your own. Change the ending of the story and write a new ending in your own words.
  • Use a chrome book to research about the Holi Festival of colour. How many facts can you gather about the festival?
  • Use a chrome book to research about Chinese New Year. How many facts can you gather about the festival?