In Honor of Dr. Aaron (Bud) Weatherby

We share the sad news of the sudden passing of Dr. Aaron (Bud) Weatherby on Tuesday, October 6, in Spokane Valley, Washington. He had moved back to the area of his childhood home in August 2020 to live near his family after the death of his wife, Rosie, in June 2019 (Bud and Rosie are pictured above).

Bud was a significant contributor to the School of Education after a successful K-12 career -- the inaugural director of the Ventura Regional Campus, Special Assistant to Dean Helen Williams, and a faculty member who received emeritus status before returning to serve as adjunct faculty and mentor. He mentored until two years ago when he retired (again) to care for Rosie. Bud was known for his quick wit, engaging smile, and deep love of the Lord. He was beloved by students and colleagues alike.

After sharing a prayer request for Bud's family with APU faculty and staff soon after his death, notes have come from many who shared the impact Bud had on their lives, including a current APU faculty member in another school who had Bud and Rosie as her 5th grade Sunday School teacher when they were newlyweds in Pasadena, California; and a senior SOE faculty who remember Bud's support as they were new to higher education. Bud's story is a reminder of the great impact of our faculty on the lives of so many.

Bud is survived by his daughter, ErinLea Longson, her husband and two sons who had moved with him to Spokane Valley in late August 2020. Please continue to remember this family in prayer. Those who would like to send a card to his daughter may request her home address by sending an email to

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." -- Jeremiah 17:7

Rest in peace and rise in glory, Dr. Aaron (Bud) Weatherby. Well done, thou good and faithful servant!