Dean's Remarks

Each year, Holy Week is a sacred reminder of the roller coaster of emotions experienced by Jesus’ disciples –

  • The triumphant high of Palm Sunday (with a bit of a surprise that the King arrives on a donkey, instead of in a chariot or on a fancy horse!)

  • The comfort of a lingering family-style dinner with close friends

  • The secret betrayal by a dinner guest which leads to the arrest, speedy trial, conviction, and crucifixion of Jesus

  • Christ’s labored and agonizing death amidst two thieves

  • His quick burial in a borrowed tomb

  • A Saturday of silence, shock, and mourning at how quickly the world of Jesus’ family, disciples, and followers had changed

  • Early morning Sunday, Christ arose and revealed himself to Mary Magdalene and the “other Mary” at the tomb, others on the road, and the disciples on the mountain

  • The unbelievable message of His resurrection, the scurrying and telling of the story, and many individual making trips to the burial site to see for themselves

What a poignant reminder for each of us in 2022, amidst so much emotion, turmoil, and change –

  • The terrors of the war in Ukraine

  • The beginning of year 3 of the impact of COVID and its variants

  • Economic recession

  • The emotional impact of long-delayed visits with distant loved ones

  • Fatigue

  • General and specific anxiety

  • Employer downsizing

  • Polarized communities

  • Loss of relationships through death and isolation

  • US political tensions

When I look at the first list – realizing the rapid change that occurred between Thursday night’s betrayal after the last supper together to Friday’s crucifixion to Saturday’s silence to Sunday’s glorious resurrection – I have renewed optimism for us today.

  • God is with us through each challenge

  • He has not forsaken His people

  • In the twinkling of an eye, things can change

  • Whatever we carry as our burdens and fears – they are real, but He is faithful.

Wherever you are in the emotions of Holy Week, Easter Sunday is a joyful reminder of God’s power and faithfulness. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Easter blessings,


Anita Fitzgerald Henck, PhD
Dean, School of Education

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