Computer, Internet and Lab Safety

The classroom has computers that many students use throughout the day, so it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that each computer is working properly. The guidelines below will help to make sure that all of the computers are in working order.

  1. Do not unplug cables or cords. This will only disrupt the class and cause problems for other students.
  2. Walk between the rows of tables so you do not trip on cables or cords.
  3. Be gentle with the keyboards and mice. Banging on either of these devices will damage them and other students will not be able to complete their work.

While the district IT department has done everything to provide each student with a safe technology experience, issues still come up. To protect yourself online, do the following:

  1. Do not share your username and password with other students.
  2. Only download files from trusted websites.
  3. Do not open emails from people you do not know.
  4. Backup your files to Google Drive.