Friday June 4th

All Zoom and links and passcodes for the conference are confidential. Please do not share them with anyone outside of the conference.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (ET)

P6. Supporting Physics Majors through Key Transitions

Simon Capstick, Ron Henderson, Laird Kramer, Monika Kress, Galen Pickett, Geoff Potvin, Gubbi Sudhakaran

In this session we will discuss how to support physics majors through their important milestones: recruitment of freshmen and transfer students, resources for student success in lower division STEM courses, retention of students in the major and in college more generally, and ultimately supporting their transition to grad school or the workforce. This session will highlight efforts at several universities and offer opportunities for participants to share ideas.

Link to Session Doc

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM (ET)


12:15 PM - 1:15 PM (ET)

P7. Developing Personnel

Robert Hilborn, Michael Jackson, Laird Kramer, Catherine Mader, Kevin Pitts, Steven Rolston

In addition to managing tenure-stream faculty, department chairs must oversee other members of the departmental community which might include support staff, instructional staff, non-tenure-track faculty, visiting faculty and postdocs. In this session, we will discuss issues that a chair might face in working with different members of the department. In addition to development and support for these individuals, we will also discuss campus resources as well as diversity and inclusion.

Link to Session Doc

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM (ET)


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (ET)

Networking and Continuing Discussions


2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (ET)

Parallel Sessions

Best practices and experiences for strategic planning and program reviews. After a brief intro, breakout groups by type of institutions will have roundtable discussions. There will also be a session for new chairs.

Click on drop down arrow to see details of parallel sessions.

S4. Toolkit for Departments Under Threat

Link to Session Doc

Guidance in the Toolkit for Departments Under Threat was sourced from over 50 interviews with administrators and physics faculty representing a wide range of institution types and experiencing varying threat levels. While many thematic patterns emerged, one lesson is that each department represents a unique ecosystem. There is no silver bullet: some departments doing “all the right things” still find themselves under serious threat, and a tactic that has been effective at one department may be ineffective at others. However, while there are circumstances out of a department’s control, we believe there are opportunities to improve one’s standing within the institution and to positively influence any potential decisions.

S5. CANCELED (2:00 PM only): This topic will be available at 3:15 PM

Impact of Department Chair Surveys & the Future of NSF

For the last several years, APS Government Affairs have surveyed physics department chairs at US institutions regarding application/enrollment levels of domestic and international PhD students. I’ll share key survey results and discuss their impact in APS’s advocacy efforts. Additionally, I’ll discuss APS’s work on – and the status of – current legislation that has the potential to reshape the National Science Foundation.

S6. Strategic Planning and Program Reviews

Link to Session Doc

Best practices and experiences for strategic planning and program reviews. After a brief intro, breakout groups by type of institutions will have roundtable discussions. There will also be a session for new chairs.

S7. Supporting Departmental Change Efforts with Departmental Action Leadership Institutes (DALIs)

Link to Session Doc

As part of the APS Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) project, we are piloting Departmental Action Leadership Institutes (DALIs), which support faculty members and their departments in implementing significant changes to their undergraduate programs. The DALIs are designed to help participants support their local change teams in engaging in a change effort, functioning well as a team, and interfacing with stakeholders outside the team. In this session, we will describe the goals, structure, and curriculum of the pilot DALI, present some initial feedback from our participants, and answer questions about how your department can apply to be part of the next DALI.

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM (ET)

Break with Hallway Conversations

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (ET)

Parallel Sessions

Details are same as above.

S9. Toolkit for Departments under Threat

Link to Session Doc

S10. Impact of Department Chair Surveys & the Future of NSF

S11. Strategic Planning and Program Reviews

S12. Supporting Departmental Change Efforts with Departmental Action Leadership Institutes (DALIs)

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (ET)

P8. Closing Remarks

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (ET) will remain open for continuing conversations and networking