TV Production

Class Syllabus and contract

“In seeking truth you have to get both sides of the story.“

Walter Cronkite (“The most trusted man in America”)

CBS Evening News anchor for 19 years

Welcome to TV Production with MRS. WILD!

I look forward to having a fun and engaging atmosphere in our class this semester as we learn about, and discuss, reporting the news in both print and digital forms. This semester we will focus on what it takes to create objective news stories for newspapers, as well as broadcast journalism. We will also work on our interview skills, learn what job opportunities are out there in the media and create full-length news packages and written articles. I look forward to creating a “news room” together this semester!


· One – One subject Notebook

· Three – glue stick

· Three - RED pens

· Pencils

Behavior Expectations

Students will be expected to abide by our Comm“unity” Standards set for the class. I am a big believer in treating others with respect and creating a respectful environment that feels safe for self-expression. In this class we will work on confidence and it is expected that students support each other in a positive manner in the process. Students will also be expected to adhere to the policies regarding behavior expectations and consequences as set by Eisenhower Middle School.


It is my common goal to help students succeed and so I am always happy to communicate by e-mail with any concerns or questions you may have. Please allow for a day or two for response, but know I will be checking my e-mail often, in order to create positive communication:


Grades will be based upon points that students earn. Assignment will be graded upon knowledge of concepts, participation and work ethic. Much of the grade in this class will be based upon a willingness to participate and it is important that your student is in class, as their classmates will rely on them to complete assignments. We may also have quizzes, but I will make sure there is ample opportunity for students to see terms and concepts prior.

“I became a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world.”

– Henry R. Luce

Contributed to the creation of such magazines as Time, Fortune and Life

Comm”unity” Standards Contract

I __________________________ (student’s name) recognize that I am in this class to learn and to help create an environment for my fellow students to also learn. I understand that Mrs. Wild wants us to have a good time, but that this will depend upon me taking responsibility for my actions and following the rules below:

1. In this class I will respect others and myself – I will be a respectful listener that pays attention to my classmates during class discussions and presentations. This will include raising my hand when I would like to be called on.

2. I will not use my cell phone in class unless Mrs. Wild approves me to do so. I understand that this is a privilege and that Mrs. Wild will allow me to use it at the appropriate time. I also understand I can lose this privilege if we are using them for a class assignment and I do not use it properly. Any loss of technology usage will likely result in work going home to be completed.

3. I understand that there is never to be any eating, gum chewing or drinking (with the exception of water) during class unless Mrs. Wild has said we may do so. We will spend many days working around technology.

****Students with nurse health plans on file will take precedence over contract

4. I will behave in the halls, and around campus, on days we are given to work outside of the classroom. I understand that misbehavior can lead to loss of working time and can affect my final product and grade.

I am signing below in recognition of these class comm”unity” standards.


Parent/Legal guardian_______________________________________


Please RETURN to Mrs. Wild by ____________________________________________.