Classroom Procedures

Welcome to class......what do I do now?

  • Coming into our classroom
      • Depending on how the desks are set up and what is on the Promethean Board students will know if they need to:
          • 1. Go to the storage area in class and pick up their binder to do a "Do Now"
          • 2. Put their backpacks off to the side of class and take a seat in the middle of the room on the ground
  • Attendance
      • I will take attendance at the beginning of class, and depending upon the day, the way this is done will change. If the desks are set up you are to go and sit in your assigned seat. This will allow me to take the attendance quickly so that we can move on to our activities for the day.
  • Getting the classes attention (and non-verbal communication I will use in our class)
      • Often times you will hear me ask for the attention of the class once or twice. If our class is still not coming back to focus I will start to look at the clock. This is your cue to help your classmates quiet down. We will talk about it during class, but if the class is still not quieting down depending upon the situation the class may stay after to make up the time that we lost in class. I also may raise my hand in the air to get everyone's attention, or if the class is up and moving around I may turn a light or two off to signal that it is time to bring our focus back.
  • Getting the teachers attention
      • I am here to help you learn and so I always want to be available when you need it. If we are sitting in our desks and there is a presentation or I am talking it will be expected that you raise your hand before talking. This will give me the sign that you need me attention. If we are up and moving around the class and not one person is just talking then you are always welcome to come and find me as I am working with groups.
  • Using the bathroom/going to the nurse/leaving class
      • Going to the bathroom/going to the nurse/leaving class - If they need to leave class, you must write a pass and have me sign it. Only one student should be out of the class at a time unless it is a real emergency.
  • Fire Drills and Lockdowns
      • Fire drill plan - We are to exit out of the North-facing door that goes directly outside. From there we walk to the left and down to the field.
      • Lockdowns - In the event of a lockdown we will listen if there are any announcements and will act accordingly. It is important during this time that you are quiet and listen to any instructions that I give you. I am here for you and will do whatever we need to do. If you find yourself in the hall during a lockdown, or not in our classroom, go to the nearest classroom you can and stay there. Do not worry! I will find out from our principal and other teachers where you are.
  • When other people are talking
      • It is my expectation that we will all be respectful of our classmates/teacher or anyone who is in our class talking. If we are not broken into groups rehearsing, it is expected that you will raise your hand and get called on before talking. If you are in your groups please remember it is expected that you are respecting other members of your group and giving everyone the opportunity to express their ideas.
  • Exiting the class
      • Students will be expected to be seated at their desks when the bell rings, unless otherwise noted. I dismiss you and not the bell so it is important we are quiet when the bell rings so that I can let you know it is time to go. Occasionally I will have you line up at the doors, but you should be in your desk unless I have told you to do so.