

What is a drug (substance)?

Any substance that has a physiological (biological) and/or psychological (mental) effect on your body/brain when ingested, inhaled, topically used, or otherwise introduced to the body (including alcohol, nicotine, drugs, legal, illegal, prescribed and non-prescribed). 

Addiction can happen to anyone

One in 7 Americans reports experiencing a substance use disorder. There is not one single driving factor that leads to addiction. Some people may use drugs to help cope with stress, trauma, or to help with mental health issues. Some may even develop opioid use disorder after misusing opioids they are prescribed by doctors. In any case, using drugs over time makes it easier to become addicted.


Stigma is set of negative beliefs that people have about a topic or group of people. Stigma results in prejudice, avoidance, rejection, and discrimination against people in groups such as substance use. Family, friends and the general public can have negative feelings about drug use or behavior. Terms such as “junkie,” “alcoholic,” or “crackhead" are used. These thoughts, feelings, words and labels can create and perpetuate stigma.

What does Stigma mean?

Stigma is set of negative beliefs that people have about a topic or group of people. Stigma results in prejudice, avoidance, rejection, and discrimination against people in groups such as substance use and mental health disorders. Family, friends and the general public can have negative feelings about drug use or behavior. Terms such as “junkie,” “alcoholic,” or “crackhead", "crazy" are used. These thoughts, feelings, words and labels can create and perpetuate stigma.


In order to encourage people to reach out for help and get on the path to recovery, it is important to reduce the stigma surrounding their situation. Educational programs and modeling of non-stigmatizing behavior can help people provide nonjudgmental, empathic support. 

Effective ways for individuals to help reduce stigma include: 

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