Social Emotional Learning

breathe in breath out.pdf

Mindful Minute

Resetting the breath with a deliberate practice can regulate, shift, and stabilize energy and mood. A short, sweet, easy-to-remember practice is the 7–11 Breath.

The directions are simple:

Use the Breathe in; Breathe out image to visualize and focus.

What Zone are you in?

Inside Out:Zones Poster-English.pdf

Identifying your "zone" or emotional state is an important first step towards a successful learning experience.  You are ready to learn when you are in the green zone! 

If you are in any other zone color, try using a "tool"  to help you get in the green zone.  Use the Tools for Regulation guide for ideas. It also includes ideas to help you stay in the green zone when you're already there. 

Tools for Regulation

What Zone are You in-color coded.pdf

Write down, rip up, and throw away your stress: 

This activity should take no more than three minutes. It helps identify and acknowledge any barriers to learning and creates a quick, effective way to overcome them.