Classroom Expectations & Mission 


You will earn a grade in my class but grades are just one way to evaluate learning.  Regular self-evaluation of learning is connected to good grades. Official grades will be posted and updated in Student Vue/Parent Vue each week by the beginning of class on Monday.  Click on the Syllabus links below for  more information on learning platforms, assignments, and how grades are determined

Parents/Learning Coaches-download the Parent Vue App and sign up to access the Edgenuity Parent Portal. More info on this can be found on my Learning Coach Resources Page

Mission Statement

We are a TEAM!

Our first team task this year is to work together to develop our mission statement by answering the following questions: 

  1. What does being part of a team mean to you?
  2. How can your team help you reach your goals?
  3. How can you support your team?


P2 ELD Class Mission Statement


P3 ELD Class Mission Statement


P4 ELA Class Mission Statement