Parent Page
My Contact Information :
Email: OR by Phone # (505) 750-8353 Please leave me a message and contact number.
Parent/Teacher Communication:
Any time during the school day, you may contact me by:
Email: This is the quickest way to get in contact me. I check my email daily during work hours.
Phone: If you call me and get my voicemail, due to working with students or being in a meeting, please leave me a message, to include your child's name and the best way to contact you.
I will get back to you as soon as possible.
WAAG: Week At A Glance
The Week At A Glance is posted to my Google Classroom - Leon, S 2nd Grade Homeroom
It is posted on the Google Classroom STREAM page every Monday before Morning Meetings and under the CLASSWORK tab at the top.
The WAAG is a Weekly schedule for students to use as a guide for lessons, activities, meetings, breaks, and specials. Students need to use the WAAG as a guide daily!
Edgenuity Information for Students and Families!
There are two ways to access Edgenuity for elementary. The first is When students login in here, it will take them to the Edgenuity dashboard where they can see overall course progress, student profile data, and access links to the learning management system. Families with family logins have to use this login page.
The other site is From this login page students can directly access the learning management system. This takes them directly to their coursework and skips the Edgenuity dashboard. We recommend clicking/tapping the 3 dot menu icon in the upper right corner of the page and selecting Application Login. Students will enter their username and password to directly access their online classwork.
Learning Coach and Family Roles Information
Click on this link for detailed information about the Role of families and Learning Coaches for eCademy K8 Students:

Here is a guide to uploading assignments each week. Click on the picture to the left, to enlarge.
You can also find a guide on my Google Classroom under the "CLASSWORK" tab.
APS Tech Dept: Technology Support is available to parents from 7am-7pm.
First: email your child's teacher to help troubleshoot your tech questions or problems with chromebooks. (available during school hours).
Next: If your child's teacher unable able to help, please go to the link below to get ourTech Dept and they can help you troubleshoot and fix any problems you may be encountering.
APS Tech Support Phone Number: (505)830-8080
Tech Support Link: APS Synergy Help Desk
Report Card Grades
3 - Proficient (on grade level)
2 - Nearing Proficient (almost there and need more practice)
1 - Area of need (needs more practice and is below grade level)
School Counselor for K-3rd Grade
Healthy Minds are Essential! They are here for you!
K-3 School Counselor: Lyndsey DiLorenzo