Grading & Late Work

The Hoover math department will be using a combination of Standards-based grading and traditional grading. Students will be assessed on their effort and accuracy on practice activities and their ability to master specific mathematical standards, using a rubric that incorporates the percentage grades used at the middle school level (as opposed to 0-4 in elementary). Grades will be found in ParentVUE/StudentVUE. 

The rubric and criteria by which I will be determining grades can be found below. If you see a 0% in Parentvue, this indicates that the student did not complete the assignment, or they turned it in empty.

Maximum possible scores for late work:

Exceptions will be given for family emergencies, loss of internet, etc… if the teacher is notified of the situation by a parent/guardian.

23_24 DeAngelo Mastery_Practice Math Rubric.pdf