
Do you have a project for ASC SHRM?

ASC SHRM is open to any opportunities to provide high quality HR to the high country or help the community. We are a strong group of dedicated students that will do the best on any project we are offered. If you have a project for ASC SHRM email

Current Projects

Studying for the SHRM - CP:

Members of ASC SHRM have collaboratively developed a comprehensive and free study framework designed to help students prepare for and pass the SHRM-CP exam. This initiative provides structured study schedules, valuable resources, and peer support to ensure success. Over the next year, participating students will follow this framework, dedicating time to study sessions, group discussions, and practice exams. By leveraging this well-organized approach, they aim to achieve certification and enhance their professional credentials in Human Resources. 

Consulting with Local Businesses:

Members of ASC SHRM are gearing up for an exciting new round of consulting projects with various companies. Our members are dividing into specialized teams, each focusing on different aspects of HR consulting. These teams are beginning to meet with clients to understand their unique challenges and needs. Through these initial consultations, our members are setting the stage for impactful projects that will deliver tailored HR solutions while providing invaluable hands-on experience. 

Volunteering for local organizations:

ASC SHRM is committed to making a positive impact beyond the campus by organizing group volunteer opportunities at local organizations. By engaging in community service, our members aim to support various causes and give back to the community that supports us. These volunteer efforts not only help those in need but also reinforce ASC SHRM's identity as a community-focused organization. Through these activities, we are building stronger connections within the local community and fostering a spirit of service and collaboration among our members.

Past Projects

Sarstedt Consulting Project

ASC SHRM recently completed a comprehensive consulting project with Sarstedt, offering an exceptional learning experience for our members. This project was divided into two focused teams, each addressing critical HR areas. One team dedicated their efforts to enhancing the onboarding process, aiming to improve new employee integration and streamline the initial phases of employment. The second team concentrated on developing initiatives to boost employee wellness, focusing on strategies to enhance overall workplace satisfaction and productivity.

Throughout this project, our members gained invaluable hands-on experience by applying theoretical HR knowledge to real-world scenarios. They conducted in-depth analyses, developed strategic plans, and presented their recommendations to Sarstedt’s management. This process not only honed their consulting and problem-solving skills but also provided insights into the practical challenges and nuances of HR practices within a corporate setting.

The collaborative nature of the project fostered teamwork, leadership, and effective communication among the students, preparing them for future HR roles. By working closely with Sarstedt, our members could see the direct impact of their work, reinforcing the value of practical HR solutions in a professional environment. This consulting experience with Sarstedt exemplifies ASC SHRM's commitment to bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical application, equipping our members with the skills necessary for successful HR careers.