Our Current Team Members

Amanda Lillie
M.A. Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management | Angier, NC
Interests: Sustainable HRM, Work Stress, Employment Law,
Labor Relations

Amanda joined the HR Science Sustainability team in August 2021. She is a second year graduate student in the IOHRM program and the current Team Lead for the HR Science Sustainability team. Amanda is looking forward to becoming better informed about how organizations can be more sustainable while providing mentorship to team members. She hopes to make meaningful progress in the journey of saving the planet through research in this field. She is also interested in learning about when, where, and how the law plays (or should play) into sustainability in organizations.

Mackenzie Law
B.S. Business Psychology| Minor in Sustainable Business | Raleigh, NC
Interests: Business Consulting: Entrepreneurship; Customer Analysis

Mackenzie is a Sophomore at Appalachian State University and is planning on completing her undergraduate studies by spring of 2024. She has been a member of the HR Science Sustainability Team since Fall semester of 2020. She has assisted on many of the projects along the way, most notably the River Cities I-O conference poster and a recent Data Report, she is excited to work on recruitment for the team later this semester.

Elise Vangilder

M.A. Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management | Asheville, NC

Interests: Employee attitudes and sustainable practices in businesses

Ellise is a first-year student in the IOHRM program. She received her BA in Psychology and Minor in Studio Art from the University of North Carolina Asheville. After living in Asheville for 6 years, Ellise has been able to observe various real world examples for improved sustainability practices in business and everyday life. As a new member of the HR Science Sustainability team, Ellise is interested in exploring research on how HR can create and implement sustainable operations and attitudes in organizations and other areas of life.

Mariana Solanilla

B.S. Psychology | Human Services Concentration | HR Management Minor | Port St. Lucie, FL

Interests: Personality in the Workplace, Human Resource Consulting, and Sustainable HRM

Mariana is a Sophomore at Appalachian State University and is planning on completing her studies by Fall of 2024. She has recently become a member of the HR Science Sustainability Team. Upon graduation, she plans on applying for the Master of Arts in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management Program at App state. She is beyond excited to tackle new projects with the team and attain first hand experience in HR sustainability.

Kaitlyn Miller

B.A. Psychology | Minor in Marketing and Sociology | West Jefferson, NC
Interests: Human Resource Management, Hiring and Recruitment Process, Workplace Environment

Kaitlyn is a second-year undergraduate student who is excited to be a member of the HR Sustainability team. She is looking forward to developing new research skills and becoming more knowledgeable about how sustainability efforts impact employment. Kaitlyn hopes to use the information she learns to further develop her HR understanding and prepare for her future aspirations.

Morgan Greene

B.A. Women's Studies | Psychology Minor | Bakersville, NC

Morgan is a Senior at App State who is graduating in Spring of 2023. She has hopes of applying to graduate school for I/O Psychology and begin in the Fall of 2024. She is excited about being a new member of the sustainability research team in hopes of pursuing a future career within a company that cares about sustainability and what that can entail.