


The Danish school is located just outside Odense, in the center of Denmark.

It was founded in 1967 and takes in students from a large area  in the outer edge of Odense.


The content of pesticides in ground water has been reduced; the air has become significantly cleaner and the state of Danish lakes and streams has improved. However, these improvements are not sufficient to meet the objectives for water bodies, biodiversity is under pressure, a great part of Danish nature is still in an unfavorable condition, and resource consumption is among the highest in the world. 


Denmark is number one in the world in sustainable development and the country that gave us Lego.

But Denmark is also emerging as technology and startup hubs. While places such as the US, the UK or Canada are well-established tech scenes, Denmark is a contender that deserves just as much attention.

From having the most IoT sensors per capita in the world, the most digitized public sector to some of the most exciting tech startups, the country seems to have a few aces up its sleeve. 



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The participants of the Erasmus experience in Denmark

The Students

The students and the teachers

 Visiting experimentarium

We visited the Experimentarium, where we engaged in an engineering activity of sketching, building, and improving a wind turbine. 

We also spent time in the exhibitions with a guided tour and time on their own, exploring the human body, forces of nature and engineering principles. 

Visit of Tim Vermund

The local politician Tim Vermund visited us and explained the ways in which Odense has adapted to the challenge of the climate change. Our students had a cooperative workshop for preparing some questions to him. Here are some of the questions that made the list:

-       What are your responsibilities as a Climate- and Environment Councilor?

-       What is your biggest vision in your job and personally?

-       What are the biggest challenges in your job?

-       How much of the energy used in Odense is “green”?

-       What are the sources of renewable energy in Odense?

-       What are the consequences if Odense does not meet their 2023 goals?

-       How will the Odense population be included in the 2023 goals?

-       Which will be the biggest “help” in reaching the 2030 goals: electric cars, public transport or more biking?

-       If biking more is a solution, how will you nudge people into biking more?

-       If public transport is the solution, how will you nudge people to use it?

-       If electric cars are the solution, how will you make it more affordable?

-       Will the enterprises in Odense be responsible for the decarbonising cost?


Visit to the Universal Robots factory

We visited the Universal Robots factory, where we learned about the past, the present and the future of this important sector in Odense´s scientific and technological environment!

The strategy of UR is to be one of the top robotic companies using mostly renewable energy and recyclable materials in production. 

The exterior of the factory

The hall of the factory

One of the Universal Robots models

At the Universal Robots conference room

Visit to the CoppenHill Power plant

After that we went to Copenhill, which is a combined heat and power waste-to-energy plant and an all year artificial ski-slope. 

We had a guided tour of the outside and during the tour, learned about the complete building process from idea to the inner workings and how much waste it burns and energy it supplies. 

It is an example on how to combine industry with architecture and aesteacthics.

designing our logo

The students engaged in a workshop for the design of the logotype of the Erasmus+ experience. The final design was printed on t-shirts for each student.

Satellite observation workshop

Researchers from University of Southern Denmark joined us for a workshop. They showed us a mobile satellite receiver and how it can be used to make calculations about the impact of different environmental pointers, such as glacier activity, forest temperatures and carbon dioxide emmesion and absorption.

The farewell dinner

We had a farewell dinner with the host families at the school.

At the dinner there was a speech from the schools headmaster Bjarne Larsen and afterwards he gave out diplomas for all the participating students.