Creative Ways to Present Information

While these are mainly used to present book review, they can also be adapted to use for other work such as your Intro project or parent fair information:

1. Create book trailers. In short, a book trailer is a short video created by students to highlight the key points of a book. When creating their book trailers students should be trying to "sell" viewers on a book. To create their videos your students could use Animoto for Education.

2. Create literature maps. Using Google Maps or Google Earth students can map out the travels of character in a story. Many teachers and students use Google Earth in literature courses. If you're not familiar with how to create placemarks in Google Maps, please see Google for educators for directions.

3. Create multimedia collages about books. Glogster allows users to create one page multimedia collages. Students could create a collage containing videos, audio files, text, and images about books they've read.

4. You will need to get a password from the teacher for this.