Health Education

Health Education

David Sytulek

K-12 Health/PE Curriculum Specialist

The elementary health curriculum is designed to provide a safe, healthy and caring environment that maximizes the social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth of young adolescents. The curriculum is designed to motivate children and youth to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, reduce health-related risk behaviors and develop and demonstrate health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills and practices. The curriculum meets national and state health education standards addressing the following:

  • Standard 1: Core Concepts

  • Standard 2: Accessing Health Information

  • Standard 3: Self-Management of Healthy Behaviors

  • Standard 4: Analyzing Internal and External Influences

  • Standard 5: Communication Skills

  • Standard 5: Communication Skills

  • Standard 7: Goal-Setting Skills

  • Standard 8: Advocacy

In order to promote social, emotional and physical wellness, South Windsor Public Schools uses “The Great Body Shop,” a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of physical, mental, social emotional health and safety. This K-5 program promotes wellness through the integration of ten health content strands, with social and emotional learning, as well as substance abuse and violence prevention skills and messages integrated into every unit. The mission statement of The Great Body Shop is, “to equip children and their families with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices throughout their lives.”

Each of the units/topics covered in Grade 1 are listed below.

Great Body Shop Units

Unit 101:
Injury Prevention and Personal Safety

  • Careless and careful behavior

  • Predicting consequences of actions

  • Being responsible

  • Rules of safe play

  • Safe and unsafe fire prevention routines

  • Keeping your body safe

  • Routines for body care

  • Private body parts

  • Types of touches

  • How to yell and tell

  • Refusal skills

Unit 102:

  • Role of food

  • Effects of healthful and unhealthful foods

  • Setting dietary goals

  • Decision-making steps for healthy meals

  • How food turns into energy

  • Learning about digestion

  • Food handling methods

  • Food groups

  • Influence of culture and family

Unit 103:
Functions of the Body

  • Identifying body parts and functions: heart, lungs, liver, teeth, five senses, brain, skin, ears, mouth, blood, stomach and intestines

  • Safety routines to protect body

  • Heeding body signals

  • Talking and listening

  • Speaking and hearing problems

  • Impact of drugs on the body

Unit 104:
Growth and Development/
Cycle of Family Life

  • Muscles and bones

  • Growth and development throughout the life cycle

  • Exercising at all ages

  • How to have family fun

  • Being responsible

  • Setting goals

  • How to cooperate

  • Social awareness of differences

  • Self awareness of traits

Unit 105:
Disease and

  • Defining germs and how they spread

  • Contrasting sick and well

  • Setting illness prevention goals

  • Respecting body signals

  • Antibodies

  • Do’s and don’ts when sick

  • Community health helpers

  • Medicine safety rules

  • Immunizations

Unit 106:
Substance Abuse Prevention

  • Identifying drugs (tobacco, alcohol, medicines)

  • Knowing the effects of drugs

  • Locating trusted adults for help

  • Respecting community helpers

  • Rules, laws for preventing drug abuse

  • Routines for healthy living

  • Refusal skills

  • Predicting consequences of not following medicine rules

Unit 107:
Community Health
and Safety
(Violence Prevention)

  • Rules to keep safe

  • Thanking community helpers

  • Role-playing different at-risk situations

  • Practicing asking for help

  • How to read, write, and speak name, address, and phone number

  • Knowing what help is needed when

  • Refusal skills

  • Avoiding violence

  • Bully prevention, teasing

Unit 108:
Self Worth, Mental and Emotional Health

  • Seeing unique qualities in self and others

  • Respecting self and others

  • Practicing self care/healthy habits

  • How to identify feelings and ways to help others

  • Family support

  • Boundaries and expectations

  • Communication skills

  • Friendship

  • Empathy

  • Character development

  • Self management of emotions

Unit 109:
Environmental and Consumer Health

  • Basic needs of humans

  • Clean and polluted air

  • How to avoid smoke and smog

  • Effects of air pollution on lungs

  • Identifying community health/safety professionals and services

  • Rules for health care products

  • Proper storage of health care products

  • Practicing advocacy

  • How to access health services and products

Unit 110:
Physical Fitness

  • Relationship between exercise and nutrition

  • Respiratory health

  • Strong muscles and bones

  • Defining physical fitness

  • Benefits of exercise throughout life

  • Safety routines

  • Good sportsmanship and anger management

  • Goals for self and others

  • Types of physical activities

  • Fitness pyramid

Additional Resources

Where to go for additional information and support