

What does “assessment” mean?

Assessment is the process of gathering evidence in order to document the learning and growth of each child. Teachers assess student performance every day, integrating assessment and instruction continually. It is this constant overlap between questioning, responding, observing, and evaluating student progress that determines further instructional needs. Assessments include universal screenings, informal and formal measures, and summative assessments.

Why do we need assessments?

Assessments are important tools that help educators set standards, create instructional goals, motivate performance, provide feedback to students, evaluate progress, and communicate progress to others.

How do we use universal assessments?

Universal assessments are used to inform teaching and learning. Diagnostic screenings are administered prior to instruction, and help teachers identify students who might benefit from extra support.

How do we use informal assessments?

Informal assessments are used to assess student performance every day. This allows teachers to continually integrate assessment and instruction. Informal assessment occurs when teachers observe students working; when they hold reading and writing conferences to record student strengths and weaknesses; and when they analyze projects, portfolios, and notebooks.

How do we use summative assessments?

Summative assessments are used to determine achievement levels for meeting learning standards. They also give teachers and parents a better picture of where students are succeeding.

How do we use formal assessments?

Formal assessments are used to provide an academic measure of knowledge, concepts, and skills; and to adjust instructional goals and practices.

When are Formal Assessments administered?

Different assessments are administered to students at different grade levels (see the schedule below). Additional information regarding assessments is available under the Curriculum and Instruction section of our website (link below).