Realize The Dream

100 for 100

The Realize the Dream Award was launched as a campaign to celebrate and continue the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In collaboration with Legacy+ and the Drum Major Institute, Realize the Dream aims to earn 100 million hours of service within 5 years in honor of Dr. King’s 100th birthday. 

As one of the participating service cohorts, Pomona USD will award anyone who follows Dr.King’s legacy in serving their community. This award is open to all students, staff/faculty, and community members. Each school is responsible for reporting their participants’ hours each month on the provided timesheet. At the end of each school year (until 2029), hours will be tallied and awards will be distributed. 

See below for hour requirements.

The hours served for the Realize the Dream Award may count towards other service learning awards (Points of Light Award, PVSA, Seal of Service, and Congressional Award).

Participants can choose their service campaigns to work on and promote. Participants are encouraged to participate in other cohort campaigns. Schools may start their own “Dr. King” club and work on the campaigns within the club.

For more information, please contact the PUSD Service Learning Coordinator and RTD Campaign Coordinator, Joseph Shim (

Levels of Commitment

Levels of commitment would depend on the level of the school and the commitment of staff, parents, and students. 

Bronze/Basic Level

Silver Level

Gold Level

PUSD Commitment

District commits to: 

If a school wants to be silver or gold they will have a staff member that will log all the hours of volunteering. The school is in charge of knowing who did how many hours but I submit only the aggregate hours to the national database without any associated names (privacy concerns addressed).

Legacy+ Commitment

Legacy+ commits to: 

Schools Currently Committed

Associations With Realizing The Dream