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Official Launch of the Weeks at a Glance 

 News and Information PUSDAVID

Garey High School graduating class of 2023 celebrate their accomplishment with AVID Site Team members at the District Senior Celebration May 18, 2023.

May, 2024: Important Messages for High Schools with AVID Seniors

Many high school seniors are experiencing delays and complications with this year’s FAFSA. Technical difficulties with the system for accessing and completing incomplete forms (e.g., making corrections, signing, and finalizing, etc.) may cause students to miss critical deadlines for colleges they’ve been accepted to or are planning to attend. This may result in fewer AVID seniors enrolling in college this fall. 

Action for Site Teams: We recommend that high schools’ AVID Site Teams note any FAFSA challenges AVID seniors are experiencing. Documenting these challenges will provide context for possible declines in college enrollment and persistence rates. High schools with AVID seniors are encouraged to report their FAFSA circumstances in the Comments section of the Systems Domain in their Coaching and Certification Instrument (CCI). We’ve provided sample language below that may be helpful.

Sample comment: 

 ___% of our AVID seniors submitted the FAFSA this year; however, due to complications in the FAFSA system, many seniors were unable to re-access or complete their forms. Due to student uncertainties regarding FAFSA support, college enrollment rates for fall 2024 may be negatively impacted.

Action for AVID seniors who have not yet submitted their Senior Data forms: AVID seniors should be encouraged to continue working to complete and submit their FAFSA and their AVID Senior Data Collection Forms.

An additional item will be added to the online form, allowing students to indicate whether FAFSA challenges impacted their plans after high school. Please note that any AVID Senior Data Collection Forms that students and teachers may have already printed out or downloaded will not reflect this new item. If your seniors have already submitted their AVID Senior Data Collection Form, there is no need to resubmit.

Please contact your AVID Program Manager with any questions or if you need additional guidance while working on your 2023–2024 CCI or Senior Data before the end of the school year.

Site Team Checklist and Resources

Summer professional learning is almost here! Please take a look at the Site Team Checklist and Summer Learning resources to guide your team's work and to focus your efforts on a strong AVID implementation.  

We are excited to help you prepare for Summer Institute and the dedicated Site Team time on Days 1 and 2. During this time, you will use the AVID Site Team Portal Summer Learning to guide your work.

To help you prepare for this experience, we have created a checklist of things to consider prior to attending the AVID Site Team session at the Summer Institute. The checklist addresses both the preparation for the District Director and the Site Team members.

We are also excited to share two new resources for 2024–2025. The AVID Site Team Manual includes many resources that will be helpful to your year-round work. Additionally, the Site Team Quarters at a Glance will replace the Site Team Months at a Glance as a roadmap for guiding Site Team activities throughout the year.

We hope that these resources help set the stage for your AVID Site Team sessions at the Summer Institute. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Program Manager or attend one of the Site Team Q&A sessions. These dates can be found on the Site Team Portal Summer Learning page.

We look forward to seeing you at Summer Institute!

Exciting News! AVID Summer Professional Learning Registration Opens 2_13.pdf

In 2023, PUSD teachers and administrators gathered together in San Diego, CA. during one of AVID's Summer Institutes.

Here are the dates for the 2024 AVID Summer Learning opportunities=>

2024 AVID Community of Practice offerings for members ==============>

The PUSD AVID Newsletter highlights opportunities and activities whereby teachers may enhance student experiences. 

Newsletter 9 (23-24)

Ashlee Peters publishes the AVID newsletter each month. She is one of four District Directors in PUSD. She has taught elementary students from kindergarten to fourth grade and is passionate about science in the elementary classroom. "Creating the newsletter each month is a great way to showcase all the AVID-y awesomeness going on in our district and provides much needed resources and support to our AVID teachers and staff." 

CCR Staff Newsletter (8.23.23).pdf
CCR Staff Newsletter Vol22_23 IIIFINAL.PDF
CCR Newsletter #5 (1).pdf
CCR Newsletter #7 (2) (1).pdf
CCR Staff Newsletter Vol22_23 I_2FINAL (2).pdf
CCR Newsletter #4.pdf
CCR Newsletter #6 FINAL.PDF.pdf
CCR Newsletter #8.pdf

From the Office of Theresa Minero: PUSD's students benefit from our district's laser focus on student readiness beyond K-12. These newsletters provide information on College and Career Readiness pathways and shines a spotlight on key resources engaged in making student post-secondary pursuits possible! 

How can an educational system best support closing opportunity gaps for students with individual determination? With the collaborative support of AVID trained tutors, Bright Prospect, and The Movement! On November 1, 2023, newly hired and returning PUSD college-age tutors (shown here) engaged the AVID online formal training and discussed the AVID tutorial process through a Socratic Seminar. These tutors interact with secondary PUSD students routinely and build relationships, foster growth, and challenge complacency when needed.

This month, six AVID leaders among their peers and students receive the inaugural,

PUSD AVID Legacy Award. (below)

2024 PUSD AVID Legacy Awardee

Refugio Sandova

Marshall Middle School

Thank you, Mr. Refugio Sandoval, for your unwavering commitment to the AVID program for more than 15 years!  

2024 PUSD AVID Legacy Awardee

Joseph Mariles

Ganesha High School

Thank you, Mr. Joseph Mariles, for your invaluable contributions through AVID, and for being a beacon of light in our educational community for more than 15 years.  

2024 PUSD AVID Legacy Awardee

Eva Morales-Vargas

Fremont Academy

Thank you, Ms. Eva Morales-Vargas, for being a beacon of inspiration and for positively impacting the lives of so many AVID students for more than 15 years. 

2024 PUSD AVID Legacy Awardees

Keith and Kevin White

Simons Middle School

Thank you, Mr. Keith and Mr. Kevin White, for your exceptional service and commitment to the AVID program for more than 15 years 

2024 PUSD AVID Legacy Awardee

Mark Wiseman

Garey High School

Congratulations, Mr. Mark Wiseman, on this well-deserved recognition and for persisting with AVID instructional support to the students of Pomona for more than 15 years.  

Congratulations to all PUSD Graduates!

Special Shout Out to the CLASS of 2024 AVID Students!

                                                                               Keep Leading Leading The Way!