
5月24日 ICRT Lunch Box高年級文章Mud Volcano Erupts at Temple
Hi, everybody! Have you ever seen a volcano erupt?你看過火山爆發嗎?
When a volcano erupts, it spits out very hot lava.火山爆發,會噴出滾燙的岩漿。
But, there are lots of different kinds of volcanoes. One strange kind is amud volcano.火山有很多種,有一種奇怪的火山叫做泥火山。
They spit out… mud!這種火山不會噴出岩漿,而是噴泥巴!
In April, a mud volcano erupted in Pingtung County. It happened at a temple.A lot of mud and water came out of the ground. The mud and water flew up ashigh as the second floor of the temple!四月份,屏東有一座寺廟有泥火山爆發。水跟泥巴噴了兩層樓高。
Don't worry. Nobody was hurt. But there was a lot of mud and water around thetemple and on the road!沒有人受傷,不過寺廟的周圍跟路上,到處都是泥巴。
How does a mud volcano happen? It happens when gas meets water under theground. They make big muddy bubbles that float up, and pop!泥火山怎麼爆發的?天然氣跟水在地底下接觸後,會形成泥巴泡泡浮上來,然後爆開!
Sometimes people will light the gas in the mud to burn it. But, they didn'tlight the mud this time in Pingtung. They didn't want the temple to burn!平常人們會在泥巴上點火,但是這次他們害怕波及到寺廟,沒有點火。
OK, kids. If you want to check out pictures or video from the mud volcano,just google "Pingtung mud volcano," and I'm sure you'll find it.

中年級句子1. volcano 火山Japan has 400 volcanoes. 日本有四百座火山。That's amazing! 滿驚人的!Yeah, but only 111 of them are active.沒錯,不過其中只有一百一十一座是活火山。
2. mud 泥巴We have mud volcanoes in Pingtung. 屏東有泥火山。So they spit out mud? 所以它們噴出泥巴?Right, no fire or lava. 對,沒有火也沒有熔岩。
3. gas 天然氣But there's gas in the mud. 不過泥巴裡有天然氣。Is it dangerous? 會不會危險?A little. But farmers just burn it. 有一點,不過農夫就把它燒掉。
4. burn 燃燒That's a smart idea. 這是個聰明辦法。Gas burns quickly. 天然氣燃燒很快。
低年級單字volcano 火山mud 泥巴gas 天然氣burn 燃燒