Learning Outcomes
What are learning outcomes?
Learning outcomes are the "knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind that students take with them from a learning experience" (Suskie, 2018, p. 41).
At Glendale, learning is assessed at the Activity or Course, Program, and Institutional levels. Assessment activities at the first two levels are differentiated by whether students learn through Engagement (student support activities or programs) or Academics (courses and degree programs). The term “institutional learning outcome” is used instead of “general education learning outcome” because institutional learning emphasizes that these outcomes are achieved through a wide variety of experiences in both academic and cocurricular settings.
Academic Courses
Program Review
Engagement Activities
Service Area Review
Institutional Learning
Outcomes selected to be assessed during the formal assessment process should be essential to a student's later success with the focus on areas of opportunity for student growth rather than areas of student strength.
Who writes the learning outcomes?
Academic Courses
Course learning outcomes are based on MCCCD course competencies. Course faculty work together to identify the specific outcome to assess.
Program Review
Program learning outcomes are based on MCCCD program competencies. Program directors identify the outcome(s) to assess.
Engagement Activities
Student support activity learning outcomes are identified by activity leaders, either staff or students, depending on the activity.
Service Area Review
Service area learning outcomes, where appropriate, are identified by service area managers in consultation with their teams.
Institutional Outcomes
Institutional learning outcomes were selected through a comprehensive college-wide process.
Where can I find the MCCCD outcomes?
Glendale Community College is part of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD). Official course competencies and program learning outcomes are available through the MCCCD Center for Curriculum & Transfer Articulation.
Find them using the Course Search and Program Search features.
Where can I find the assessed outcomes?
Specific course, activity, and program outcomes are listed in assessment reporting, some of which are publicly available on this site.
Glendale's institutional learning outcomes, which serve as our general education outcomes, are available on the Institutional Outcomes page.
When does assessment occur?
While assessment occurs during every student interaction with faculty and staff, formal assessment occurs when faculty, staff, and student leaders complete assessment reports of student learning.
GCC operates on a three-year cycle of assessment. We are currently in Year 1 of our second three-year cycle. Within each cycle, all areas of assessment complete a formal assessment or review report at least once.
Course assessment results and cycle information can be found in each Department's Academic Assessment Plan.
After completing the first cycle of Program and Service Area Review & Assessment, we are identifying needed timeline revisions and form edits related to our new Strategic Planning management system, 4DX. Review & Assessment will resume in AY22-23.
The Student Affairs Workgroup, having piloted Student Organization assessment, is developing the structure and processes needed to expand that program in AY22-23 following the rebuilding of our pandemic-affected organizations.
Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO) data are collected on an ongoing basis. The ILO rubrics, data collection system, and results dashboard were created in the first cycle. Starting this cycle, a detailed analysis of a subset of ILOs will occur in the spring with action taken in the fall.
Year 1: Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Information Literacy
Year 2: Critical & Creative Thinking, Diversity Awareness & Appreciation, Career Goals & Workplace Skills
Year 3: Oral, Written, & Visual Communication and Personal & Community Well-Being