Continuing Students'


Certificates? How do I apply for my certificates?

Intermediate Certificate of Proficiency: Complete this form (click here) get your intermediate certificate!

Email Professor Thomas,, if you have any questions or problems completing the form.

                  • You need to complete ESL 55, ESLG 51, and ESLL 51

Advanced Certificate of Proficiency: Complete this online certificate application (click here).

                  • You need to complete ESL 325, ESLG 320, and ESL 114

                  • Watch this video to help you with the form (click here!)

                  • Patience is required :). This is a certificate from Admissions that will go on your transcript. It will take a full semester, sometimes a little longer, before you to see it.

ENroll: What Classes are available?

This enrollment video shows you how to enroll after your test results.

Your assessment will show you what classes to enroll in.

You can see all our classes if you click on the SCC class schedule, and search "ESL"

  1. ESL = Reading and Writing classes, 6 units

  2. ESLG = Grammar classes, 3 units

  3. ESLL = Listening/Speaking classes, 3 units

  4. ESLP = Pronunciation classes, 2 units

  5. ESLLAB = lab classes, 0.5 units

Here is SCC's ESL Program Chart. The lower level classes are to the left (beginning with ESL 37, ESLG 31, ESLL 31, and get higher as they go to the right, with ESL 325 and ESLG 320 for example)

Can I skip a level?

Yes, you can! If a professor will support you, fill out this prerequisite challenge below.

ESLW 340 or ENGWR 300?

ESLW 340! -- our course is equal to ENGWR 300* now transferable in AREA 1A to UC's, and is also transferable to CSUs Area A2

If you have taken ESL 325 or ESLW 320, or assess into ENGWR 300 and are a multilingual student, ESLW 340 is for you!

*If you're applying to Nursing, you might need ENGWR 300 instead of our ESLW 340. Please ask your counselor or our ESL Chair, Brett Thomas (

I still need counseling, how do I contact counseling?

Is it too late to apply for Financial Aid?

NO! Please apply and find out if you qualify

Financial Assistance to apply for:

  1. Federal Financial Aid (if you’re documented) OR the CA Dream Act (if you’re undocumented).

What other resources can help me succeed?

Academic and SCC Community Resources -- click the links below to explore and join:

  1. CalWORKS - CA Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids

  2. RISE -- Student run by student leaders!

  3. EOPS -- Extended Opportunity Programs

  4. DSPS -- Disability Services and Programs

  5. Student Clubs

  6. And so many more!