Inclusion & Diversity

Diversity Statement

As an instructor, I consider it part of my responsibility to address the learning needs of all the students in this course. I will present materials that are respectful of diversity: race, color, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religious beliefs, political preference, sexual orientation, gender identity, citizenship, or national origin among other personal characteristics. I also believe that the diversity of student experiences and perspectives is essential to the deepening of knowledge in a course, and encourage my students to tell their stories in our class discussions. (This diversity statement is adapted from UCLA's Creating a Positive Classroom Environment.)

Learning Differences

Difference is what makes our culture and our class unique and interesting. This course is designed to be welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by everyone, including students who are neurodivergent, English-language learners, have a variety of learning styles, have disabilities, or are new to online learning. This course uses Ally, a tool that creates alternative formats of course documents that may be more accessible to you. Read the Ally Student QuickStart Guide in our Canvas course to learn more about how to use it. Please let me know immediately if you encounter a required element or resource in the course that is not accessible to you. Also, let me know of changes we can make to the course so that it is more welcoming to, accessible to, or usable by students who take this course in the future.


Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a physical or learning disability and who require instructional, curricular, or test accommodations should let me know as early as possible. Every possible effort will be made to accommodate students in a timely and confidential manner. Individuals who request accommodations must be registered with the Office of Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS). The philosophy of DSPS is to encourage maximum independence and personal empowerment through a successful educational experience.

You can begin the accommodations process by contacting DSPS:

Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) Website

Phone: (916) 691-7275


CRC Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the land currently occupied by Cosumnes River College as the traditional home of the Miwok and Nisenan people. These sovereign people have been caretakers of the area since time immemorial. The state of California is home to more than 110 Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, representing the most diverse set of tribal nations anywhere in the United States. Despite centuries of genocide and occupation, the Miwok and Nisenan people continue as vibrant and resilient Federally recognized tribes, bands, and rancherias. The waters of the Sacramento, American, and Cosumnes Rivers have nourished Miwok and Nisenan tribal communities with cultural and dietary sustenance throughout time. "Cosumnes" of Cosumnes River derives from the Plains Miwok language. Stemming from the words "kosumu," meaning salmon and "umne," meaning the place of, it translates as "The Place of the Salmon."

Today, we celebrate our Miwok and Nisenan tribal neighbors as the ancestral stewards of this land and honor their sustained existence. It is with their blessing and continued guidance that Cosumnes River College seeks to provide an accessible, equitable, and principled institution of learning.

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