Biology 100: Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy & Physiology


This is a fully online asynchronous course.


Greetings From Your Instructor!

I will be your online instructor for Biology 100: Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology. I am looking forward to spending a semester with you learning about the human body, its parts, and how they function!

This website is the syllabus for BIOL 100, so please review each page thoroughly to learn all about the course: grading, policies, attendance, assignments, schedule, etc. You can always find a link to this site from the Syllabus tab in our Canvas course.

NOTE: Enrolled students must access our Canvas course and complete the Orientation modules by Friday, January 19th to maintain enrollment. 


Jena Trench, CRC Biology Professor
Teaching and Learning Lead - Science, Mathematics, & Engineering

How does this course work?

This course is online asynchronous. That means all of your coursework will be conducted on the Canvas Learning Management System. There are no required in-person or Zoom meetings for this course. 

However, this course is not self-paced. We will follow a weekly schedule and I will be with you every step of the way! Each week you'll interact with your peers in weekly discussions, and complete a series of activities and assignments. There is a lot to learn about the human body, and it is tough to cram it all into 16 weeks. Therefore, the weekly schedule keeps everyone on a path toward achieving our learning goals.

Information for Students on the Wait List

If you are on the waitlist for BIOL 100, hang tight. I am often able to add most waitlisted students, although the process can take up until the end of Week 2. Students who are enrolled have until the first Friday of the semester (January 19th) to log in and complete the Orientation Module and its assessments. Usually, by that point, students know whether they want to continue or not and some spots open up in the course. 

I will add students from the top of the waitlist first. There are four sections of this course, with students on each waitlist. I will be adding students from all four sections simultaneously based on waitlist position. If you are not currently on a waitlist for BIOL 100, please add yourself to one through eServices!

Here is the add process:

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Contact Me:

My preferred communication method is the Canvas Conversations tool (from our course, select 'Inbox' in the Global Navigation menu).

Or you may email me directly at:

If you contact me Monday-Friday, I will respond within 24 hours.

Office Hours:

On the first Friday of each month, my office hours are 1-2 pm.

Have a Question?

The Ask the Professor forum in our class is a great place for general course-related questions. Your peers might even answer you there! If your question is personal in nature, please send it directly to me through the Canvas inbox. 

What is appropriate for the Ask the Professor Discussion? Questions pertaining to the course (where do I find that, can you provide more info about this topic, something isn't working properly, etc.)

What is not appropriate for the Ask the Professor Discussion? Questions pertaining to your personal situation (keeping me informed about your needs, missing work, grades, etc.). These questions should be sent to me directly using the Canvas inbox.

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