Major Project 3: The Solidarity Project- Preserving an Oral History Story

This page contain my working progress for major project 3: Preserving Marshallese Nuclear History Story 

Think write and share project 3

Fact check information provided 

When a specific topic presents facts in black and white, I think it's important to always fact check the information provided because most of the time the news feed we see tends to distorts our perception from the truth. 

conducting reseach project 3

Conducting a Research 

A very few have heard stories about the Marshall Islands, many are still in the unknown, in fact there are only a few stories that has been told and many buried. This is not being taught in schools, not often told on news and very little information can be found on few platforms especially about the tragedy happened after WWII, between 1946-1958 when the U.S conducted 67 nuclear bomb.

Interview Questions: What would've happened to our land and our people if the testing never have happened? Are we safe now ? 

Introducing my source, my very own grandmother, Fujiko Kalles, born 1943.

I'd like to share my grandmother's nuclear story and honor her memory by keeping her memory alive including the people of the Marshall Islands, though it might not reach all but I hope it touches your heart as you listen.

Reporting with Integrity Script Outline

Interview Script Ouline

Reporting With Integrity 



Preserving family oral history story featuring Fujiko Kalles sharing her in depth story that's never been told before to help educate and provide significant information.