Major Project 1: The Power of Literacy Essay

This page contains my working progress for my Major Project 1: To Effectively Communicate 

draft 1 for essay 1

Draft 1

This is my introduction and thesis statement draft explaining my essay about the power of language and communication. 

Peer Review

The purpose of this peer review is to help provide feedback about my introduction, body and organization if it meets expectations or if needs revision, what are my writing strengths and limitations.

essay 1 revision plan

Revision plan 

Receiving feedbacks from my classmates helped me set up a revision plan for my final draft for essay 1.

final draft for essay 1

Essay 1 Final Draft 

" The Power of a Language" to communicate effectively, it is important to understand the power of language and cultural identities.

Self Refection 1

Self Assessment Reflection 

This is my self reflection assessment of how I overcame the challenges I experienced while developing my academic essay.