My Oral Story

“ Your life is your story write well. Edit often".   -Susan Statam

About Author

Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Student of CRC Sp24 ESL 47

Born and grew up in Kabul, Afghanistan

In this topic, I am going to describe my life story 

I am describing myself, how I grownup, my sweet memories from my childhood the challenges I, my family and all Afghanistan citizen were facing and conflict between US. and Soviet Union during cold war.

Over all in my story I show, how vulnerable we were and how we stand through the hard and challenging time, I hope my story courage everyone they can stand and fight with disagreeable of life and be sure there is always a bright day after each dark night. 

My Oral Story

Sayed A ZuriMy Oral StoryApril - 15 - 2024
Sayed Abdullah Zuri, in fact, I was born in Kabul on 10, 30 1985, Kabul is the capital and big city of Afghanistan. However, compared with other cities or capitals of countries it is small, but in my view, it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It is in southeast of the country and surrounding by big rock mountains and hills and about 1791 meters high from the water.

Shirdarwaza Mountain

Kabul is a very old city which has at least 5 thousands years of history and it was  under the rule of many emperor which was fighting to control the city because of its strategical location, Kabul was kind of central core which was connecting  south Asian to central Asia , Turkey and Europe.

As I mentioned on upper part, Kabul is a very old city and it was called by many different names such as Kabora during rule of Skandar the great on 330-BC then Kamboja and during Sasanian empire rule it was called Kapol on 7-8 century it was called Kafou written by a Chines historian, a river is passing in the middle of the city which give  the city more attractive view.

I have many good memories from this city, as I wrote  I was born in this city, and in a very old house age more than hundred years, this house was made of mud and wood, I have many good memoirs from my childhood even when I haven't started school. We all were sleeping on the roof during late spring and summer nights, I was staring at sky deeply and anonymous thinking, and I was scared when I was looking at the stars moving which actually it was spaceship, in addition I was playing kite a lot specially when it was Friday, I was waiting agog for Friday to play kite.

During winters, we had a lot of snow falling from sky, I was looking and kind of trying to count the snows which was not possible, since the roof was mud we had to clean up the roof on the next day and we put all the snow from the roof to the yard, almost every winter for at least one month we had a small mountain of snow inside the yard and I with my sibling were making slides and playing there, however on the very first or second day of snow when it was fresh we were making snow man and as well we were playing snow ball with each other.

The last memory which I have in my mind alive, before we get displaced from our childhood heaven was we had a 14" inch black and white TV with a one governmental TV channel which was starting broadcast 6:00 PM at very beginning recitation of Holy book for few minutes then 5-10 minutes cartoon of Tom and Jerry or some other in-country productions cartoon which was the most exciting part and on Fridays the TV broadcasting from 9:00 AM to 12:30 if I am not wrong  and the first best part was a short movie or TV show for the teenagers and  wildlife program with Farsi (Persian) interpreter.

I have 4 siblings, my two sisters are older than me, and I am the third among the children and I have my brother who is living in Australia and the little one as well live in Australia. I started my school in the same city, in 1990, while there was war going on through all Afghanistan apart from the capital, there was a communist government supported by Soviet Union and the other party of war was Mujahidin (People who fights for the sake of God) which was supported by many Arab and western world specially United State of America.

When I was on my 2nd year of school, Mujahidin took over Kabul and the communist government fell down the army which was the best army in the region spread away, and they started with a temporary government, after one or less than a year, since there were many group of Mujahidin created by Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic Republic of Pakistan with support of western world, they started fighting among each other to seize the power and the civil war started which collapsed all the fundamental economy institution and everything.

Afghanistan Civil War 1992-1996

"Afghan Civil War (1992–1996): Began when various mujahideen groups withdrew support from and began fighting against the ISA, including Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin, later largely replaced by the Taliban and al-Qaeda (all of whom were supported by Pakistan), Hezb-e Wahdat (who were supported by Iran), and Junbish-i Milli ... ",)%2C%20and%20Junbish%2Di%20Milli

Let me explain where Afghanistan is? Afghanistan is a country full of mountains, jungles and too many drinkable rivers. it located on the southern Central of Asia, it has borders with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to the north, Islamic Republic of Iran from west, Islamic Republic of Pakistan from east and southeast and finally it has border with China from northeast. the official religion is Islam and two group of Muslim Suni, and Shia. there are two official languages, Farsi Dari (Persian) Pashto and many other local language with multi-cultural and multi tribes.

Continuing of my story we moved from old city of Kabul to north of the city between an injustice war that was imposed on Kabul residents, the living conditions was bad, no electricity, water was salty, we had to bring water from one to two miles far from our home and many problems. On 1996 Taliban formed by Pakistan in and they started growing from south and east of Afghanistan until they took over Kabul on Sep 27, 1996. The Taliban group is an extremist terrorist party which called themself an Islamic party but in-fact they have no knowledge of Islam, and they are only servant of neighboring countries which fight for the benefits of those countries, and they have thirst of power and economic opportunity. 

They band school and work for female, their government at that time was recognized by only three countries which was Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirate. The war was continuing between Northern Alien by the leadership of Great Commander Ahmad Shah Masoud as the commander of Resistance party and Taliban until, on September 9 2021 the Taliban with the corporation of Al- Qaida send two reporters to have interview with the leader of resistant party Ahmad Shah Masoud and these two Arab reporters were Al-Qaida assassin and they hide the bomb inside their camera, they exploded the camera and killed Ahmad Shah Masoud, after that on 9/11/2001 they attacked USA.

The Graveyard of Empires

The rugged and resilient nature of the Afghans was on full display when the Soviet Union invaded the country in 1979. The subsequent resistance shown by the Afghan Mujahideen captivated the imagination of the world. Stretching the Soviet military machine to its limits, the consequences of the war would prove instrumental in shaping geopolitics for the next few decades. In this feature-length documentary, I’ll trace the causes of the war, going as far back as the modernizing initiatives of the 1950s. In the process, we’ll be able to understand important questions, such as - how did this conservative and staunchly Islamic society come to be governed by an atheistic-inclined ideology like communism in 1978? And how did an irregular group of guerrilla warriors like the Mujahideen contend with a military superpower like the Soviet Union?  

Source: You tube:

For more information about WAR of Communist government with Mujahidden please read the below book:

“The Bear Trap: Afghanistan’s Untold Story”:

Buy book here

Ghost War by Steve Coll

“Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001” by Steve Coll is a compelling and meticulously researched account that delves into the covert operations, political maneuverings, and historical context surrounding Afghanistan and its pivotal role in shaping global events. Here are some key details about this book:

After the Taliban assassinate Ahmad Shah Masoud the leader of Northern Alien by help of Al-Qaida and in return they provide shelter and military bases for Al-Qaida Members, they attacked New York World Trade Center and Pentagon in Washington which led to the dead of 2977 people including 441 New York fire fighters and citizen of 77 countries.

New York Skyscraper Under attack

On Tuesday 11 September 2001 suicide attackers seized US passenger jets and crashed them into two New York skyscrapers, killing thousands of people. 

As the result of attack on U.S traitor the U.S planned to attacked back Afghanistan and destroy Al-Qaida group and Taliban which the attacked   happened on  October 7 2001 and they interned Afghanistan on the mentioned year which later on the NATO Forces joined they and they started reconstruction and renovation of Afghanistan.

By stablishing new transition, temporary and after that the new election government, I was graduated from Naderia High School and I started finding job, my first job I was work for a local company, after that I joined a Media, Marketing, Design in 2006, Cetena Group, and Afghan German company. I resigned from this company and Joined another company and finally I started working for an American Company in 2015.

The United State of America fought with Taliban and other insurgence for almost 20 years, which in result 2300 U.S army killed, 450 British Army and many other foreigners solder which belong to NATO block, and at last they pave the ground for the Taliban they take over the country by withdrawing all the troops from Afghanistan and signed an agreement with the Taliban office in Qatar (Doha) which was stablished in early 2010.

During the years I was working with US Army and US Army project, I have many good and bad memories, I lost some friends I have been in a very dangerous situations, I applied for SIV (Special Immigration Visa) which was designed for Afghan Interpreters and for those who worked direct or on behalf of US government for Afghanistan which was in the risk of targeting by Taliban and other insurgents, so I got my US visa on Feb 2019 and flew Kabul on mid of 2019, life my motherland with many good and sad memories.

In conclusion, I was born in the old city of Kabul, Afghanistan, I have many good and sad memories such as playing kite, sleeping on the roof and falling snow and the sad part was the civil war which I have in my mind from my the city. I started my school in the same city when my age qualified for school, the civil war let to formation of Taliban group and they took over all Afghanistan provinces apart from a very few part of provinces. After the attack on US in return the US and NATO attacked eliminated the Taliban regime and they a democratic government which during this government I started my job which led me to get in United State of America.