Vocabulary Fluency


Vocabulary Fluency Sentences 

New Attempt

In class, we worked on defining new vocabulary words and using them in sentences:

Vocabulary Words Added To Unit 2 - Google Docs

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Please write the definition of the words below, like we did in class in the google doc, and then write a sentence using the vocabulary word, like we did in class. Make sure the sentence is about you, personally. 

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Vocabulary Words Added to Unit 2

What is the root word of endured? Endure (still a verb)

Meaning: To tolerate a troubled situation. Suffering something difficult. Something painful or suffering with patience. 

Example: However it was raining extremely, and the road was full of water and mad, I endured the situation and drove to meet him.

What is the root word? Force (noun)

Meaning: Pressure, involuntary act of doing something.

Example: The security situation in our motherland forced us to leave our country and become refugees.

What is the root word? Scene

Meaning: Image of nature, or imaginary real picture or imaginary drawing, part of movie or film

Example: After the Civil war in Kabul, between hostile parties the Kabul scene was tragic.

What is the root word? Damp

Meaning: Moisture, Dampness, humidity

Example: When he was arrested by the police and put to prison, he was feeling damp in there.

What is the root word? Noun

Meaning: Move slowly, move on hands and knees, moving while lying on the ground

Example: She was trying to escape from strangers, the only way prevents her get caught was to crawl behind the tall grasses.


What is the root word? Noun

Meaning: Drift, Swing movement, shift, approach

Example: The cost of living in the past few years has trended upwards.


What is the root word of endured?  late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin intensus ‘stretched tightly, strained’, past participle of intender (see intend).

Meaning: High, great, extreme

Example: I missed the meeting with my colleague, the light and thunder was intense, it scared me to go to office.


What is the root work of revolution? Revolution and revolt

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 have a shared origin, both ultimately going back to the Latin revolvere “to revolve, roll back.” When revolution first appeared in English in the 14th century, it referred to the movement of a celestial body in orbit; that sense was extended to “a progressive motion of a body around an axis,” “completion of a course,” and other senses suggesting regularity of motion or a predictable return to an original position. At virtually the same time, the word developed a sharply different meaning, namely, ”a sudden radical, or complete change,” apparently from the idea of reversal of direction implicit in the Latin verb. Revolt , which initially meant “to renounce allegiance,” grew from the same idea of “rolling back,” in this case from a prior bond of loyalty.

Meaning: Change to the system, a sudden change to the government, movement that caused the fundamental change in government.

Example: The Communism Revolution in Afghanistan which happened in April of 1978 was the beginning of 5 decades conflict and the revolution also called the bloody Sawr (April) revolution.


Chapter 3 Vocabulary Fluency Definitions and Sentences 

New Attempt

Please submit your vocabulary definitions and personally created vocabulary sentences--remember when you use the vocabulary words in a sentence, write it as if the sentence is about YOU. 

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Fluency Definitions and Sentences 

Please submit your vocabulary definitions and personally created vocabulary sentences--remember when you use the vocabulary words in a sentence, write it as if the sentence is about YOU. 


Word 1. Realize 

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):     Noun


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used in page two and in paragraph 3.   


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly:

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

 Take in, understood, notice, see and recognize.


Create new sentence with vocab word.

After I checked the assignment tab, I realized that I didn’t work on the last two assignments, so I started to do the assignment now.


Word 2. Remain

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):     Verb

Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used in page two and in paragraph 6.     


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist:

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Stay in, hold out, carry on, go on and stand.                  


Create new sentence with vocab word.

Despite all the challenges, the workers preferred to remain on the ground and fight for their rights. 


Word 3. Improve

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):     Noun and verb


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used on page two and in paragraph 11.   


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

develop or increase mental capacity by education or experience.


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Better, upgrade, refine, boost, advance and raise.


Create new sentence with vocab word.

The better way to improve your English is to practice, in fact improvement rely on practice. 


Word 4. Succeed

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):     Noun


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used on page one and in paragraph three or vocabulary definition 3.   


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

achieve the desired aim or result.

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Make good, advance, workout, prosper and thrive.


Create new sentence with vocab word,

To succeed in life, you must work hard, without working hard and spending time in achieving your goal, success will be not possible.


Word 5. Intervene

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):  is a verb here and used as a Noun on the reading.


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used on page three and in paragraph 8.   


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

come between to prevent or alter a result or course of events.


 Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Intercede, cut in, step in, interfere and negotiate.


Create new sentence with vocab word.

The government who claims to be the most democracy pro must intervene, where the human rights are overside or tread, because the government intervention keeps up the rights for the human being in the society.



Word 6. Emerge 

Type of word (noun, verb, etc.):  Noun


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The word used on page two and in paragraph three or vocabulary definition 6.


Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)  

To become manifest or become known, to rise from or as if from an enveloping fluid,

to rise or come forth from or as if from water or other liquid.


Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Come up, turn up, appear, surface and pop up.


Create new sentence with vocab word.

The trees blossom emerges in spring.

Personal Sentences with New Vocabulary 

Hello Class, 

I decided to turn this assignment into a discussion because I want everyone to read new vocabulary words, to see how to use vocabulary words in sentences that are about YOU. Please choose at least 4 vocabulary words from this list, and then I want you to do the following:

Professor's Example:

Now your turn chooses 4 words from this list and do as I did above--but remember write a sentence using the word using your own personal ideas.

Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Apr 8 1:44am

Manage Discussion by Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Reply from Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Word: Immigrant

Dictionary Meaning: A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country:

Root Word: Migrate

Part of Speech: Noun

My personal sentence: I was born in Afghanistan, I immigrated to the United State of America on 2019, this immigration allowed me gain a lot of opportunities which was not easy to have in my own country.

In my sentence I used Immigrant as a noun.


Word: Avoid

Dictionary Meaning: keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something):

Root Word: evade

Part of Speech: verb

My personal sentence: During Covid 19 disease, I preferred to stay home and avoid the spread of Covid, to keep myself and others safe, but despite doing this all I got Covid after few weeks.

In my sentence I used Avoid as verb


Word: Urgent

Dictionary Meaning: requiring immediate action or attention.

Root Word: Laten word urgentem

Part of Speech: Noun

My personal sentence: While I opened the canvas, I noticed there was a missing assignment, I realized that this job is the priority and urgent.

In my sentence I used as a Noun.


Word: Restricts

Dictionary Meaning: Put a limit on it, keep controlling on something.

Root Word: restrict.

Part of Speech:

My personal sentence: I resigned from my job at Siemens Mobility Inc, because there were too many restrictions, and I am not feeling comfortable where there are restrictions.

In my sentence I used the restrict as a noun.