ESL 47 Reading & Writing Portfolio

"Learning is never done without error, and defeat " – Vladimir Lenin.


In a google document or the text box provided through canvas, write a thoughtful response to the following questions in the format of a letter:

Letter To My Professor


Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Prof. Fairuze Ahmed Ramirez

Class: ESL 47

30 January 2024

I value language because it gives me the ability to talk with other people and understand each other. With the power of language, we can share different topics, make more friends, find jobs, discover a variety of opportunities which makes life easier.

Culture and language are two parts which can’t be separated, and they are connected to each other. To better understand the language, we must first learn about the culture, it has a huge influence on learning language. We might be able to learn the language without having knowledge about culture but, we won’t learn the language academically and professionally.

My weakness in using the language is, I feel a little bit shy, especially when I am among many people, and my strength in using the language is, I have a better understanding of vocabulary. I have an overall speaking background with outlanders back years in my motherland.

I think, to feel the effectivity, and efficiency of this course we have to practice, reading journals, books, essays, build communication skills, writing shot essays, stories, topic, speak in class, among colleagues, in a group of people and finally listen to news, stories, watch movies and at end if make it short, give time and increase the awareness of culture.


Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Post -Reading Reflection About Managing Stress

Manage Discussion by Sayed Abdullah Zuri

1. Before you read about how to manage stress, what did you already know about this topic?

Before I read about managing the street topic, I had a little idea on how to manage stress, the best way for me to manage stress and still it's on the top of my resolution is to exercise, going to gym everyday, jogging and running get ourself calm.

The second way to manage our stress is to build communications with friends, watching TV shows or movies which changes your mood and keep you happy, and the last one I was lessoning music.

2. What were the three vocabulary you wrote down as you read that you did not understand? Please share with us the definition of the 3 vocabulary words you did not understand by looking them up in a dictionary and write the definition for your classmates to see and learn.

There were many words which I didn't understand the meaning for them, I choose the first three words which I didn't understand the meaning. here are the words as below with the definition form the dictionary.

a. Intense, the meaning or definition for this word what I found is, something happen with power, fast, strong, powerful.

b. Crucial, the meaning for this word is, Hard, very important, dire.

c. Schizophrenia, the meaning for this one is might- be clear for everyone in my perspective, It is the madness and craziness of a specific age period which called lateadolescence age between 18-21.

3. What do you do when you feel stressed? How do you manage the stress?

As I mentioned at very began of  sentence or paragraph, I manage my stress with doing some activities, going to gym, jogging and listening  to the music I love.

4. Which managing stress tips will you try from the reading that you have not tried yet?

I didn't know and never thought about the first two steps that can manage the stress to go to worst part, what I learned is to manage my time and give priority to my work which is more important and need to be done soon and the second is getting enough sleep, I have a question here, if we have a lot of stress can we go to sleep early night or fall a sleep early?

Triangle Fire Post- Reading Discussion

As you read, you should have taken notes on what led to the death of so many people in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and the impact that this tragedy had on people.  While the direct cause of factory fire was a spark that was thrown into scraps of material, many factors made this event a disaster.



First Response due Friday by midnight. Please comment on least 2 of your classmates' responses by Sunday, Midnight.

Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Feb 2 9:15pmLast reply Feb 3 9:13pm

Manage Discussion by Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Reply from Sayed Abdullah Zuri

What caused the Triangle to burn down?

There are two main and direct points that caused the factory to be on fire and many indirect situations which helped the fire change to a devastating event. The direct cause was someone threw a burning match or cigarette into a big pail of scrapped cuttings. The indirect cause was the poor quality of the working environment.

The higher number of casualties had itself many reasons, first there wasn’t any safety awareness, not any sign nor possibility to prevent fire from getting worse. As well the number of people working at the factory was more than the capacity of the building where the fire happened, moreover the building was designed substandard for instance the elevator had been in a very bad condition and the factory was running out of fire alarm system as well out of water sprinkle.

The impact of Triangle Fire was deep enough to force the law makers and New York city authorities draft new labor law and or reform the working environment law for the time being. The reform was countable and tangible. In addition, many positive reforms have been made for the safety of the labor and overall, for the people who were working for companies.

After the fire, Smith’s and Wagner’s accomplishment was the creation of Factory Investigation commission. Perkin was already fighting for the right of labors and his achievement was decrease the number of working hours from 72 hours per week to 54 hours. The other reform was having a better access for entry and exit for each big companies or places where lots of people were commuting, the availability of fire extinguishers, installation of fire alarm system, Dining facility Administration Center (DFACs) and toilet and despite all these they were trying to complete reorganization of the state’s Department of labor.

Job and the job’s environmental area are different for each country, depending on economy, government system and more importantly on how the law enforcement implemented. There are countries which held a very good and fair law for labor, but it’s not implemented on the ground due to critical situation going on.  

Furthermore in some countries as I mentioned the reasons on upper paragraph due to failure to comply with the rules and regulation, they failed to keep the measure of labor safety to its standard, for instance, I can give you example of India, Bangladesh, Iran and many more countries which we were witness of heartbreaking event ruins of buildings which were build and designed substandard and  the higher number of employee than the capacity of the building specially in Bangladesh caused dead of hundreds of people.

In conclusion, if the relevant authorities follow the rules, implement the safety tips, do inspection, keep track of maintenance of building and factory we would be able to end or at least decrease happening of such tragic incident.

Thank you!

Triangle Fire Draft Summary, Analysis, Synthesis

As a class, we read and discussed the Triangle Fire that occurred in 1911.

You should have taken notes on what led to the death of so many people in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and the impact that this tragedy had on people.  While the direct cause of factory fire was a spark that was thrown into scraps of material, many factors made this event a disaster.

Instructions: You will write a controlled paragraph, a summary analysis response about the reading using your notes and online class discussion responses. As a class, we will go over the writing formula for summary analysis and discuss what analysis is in academic writing. 

Your Paragraph should address the following:

Triangle Fire That Accrued in 1911

In chapter one “Worker right” the reading discusses the 1911 Triangle Fire and reveal direct and indirect causes that lead to the fire. First, direct cause was a cigarette or match that was thrown to into flammable material, additionally, the indirect causes were a collection of many facts that caused the factory devour by fire, for instance the building was inadequate, the doors were locked, and the elevator was slow and even not working. Moreover, the fire alarm, fire distinguisher, water sprinkler was not installed on the building to help the people get out of the factory. As a result, many people including women and children lost their lives.

On the other hand, chaired by Wagner and co-chaired by Smith, the group was charged by the New York State legislature to “investigate factory conditions in (NYC) and other cities and to report remedial measures [Necessary] to prevent hazard or loss of life among employees through fire, unsanitary conditions, and occupational diseases.” The impact of fire was as deep as forced, the NYC law makers and do-gooder to hold a commission and get the reformed activities report and in addition, prevent illness that caused by working environment and to keep watch on uses of hazards that harms employees. Furthermore, reforms include mandated better access and exit to the buildings, installation of fire alarms, availability of fire distinguishers and finally a better access facility for eating and toilets.

In conclusion, the Triangle Fire incident was a painful tragedy, as a result too many people lost their lives due to poor conditions of working environment also carelessness of business owners, consequently the relevant authorities and every employee must follow the rules, implement the safety tips, in addition keep inspecting and track of maintaining of buildings and factory to make sure we would be able to end-up or at least decrease the happening of such tragic incident in future.

Triangle Fire Final Revised Draft Summary, Analysis, Synthesis

After some recommendation I brought some changes as below:

New Attempt

Instructions: You will write 3 controlled paragraphs, a summary analysis and synthesis response about the Triangle Fire reading using your notes and online class discussion responses. As a class, we have gone over the writing formula for summary analysis and discussed what analysis is in academic writing, and we have discussed what synthesis in writing is, too. Now that you have participated in peer review, please use the checklist handout to ensure your paragraphs contain all composition requirements.

Your Paragraph should address the following:

Writing Requirement Checklist

Structure of Paragraphs

Grammar and Style: The writer introduces the main idea of the text using descriptive reporting verbs to discuss the main idea of the text such as:

The writer uses effective transition phrases to ensure sentences flow cohesively. 

For cause effect like:

For showing contrast or difference:

For concluding sentence:

Triangle Fire That Accrued in 1911

In chapter one “Worker right” the reading discusses the 1911 Triangle Fire and reveal direct and indirect causes that lead to the fire. First, direct cause was a cigarette or match that was thrown to into flammable material, additionally, the indirect causes were a collection of many facts that caused the factory devour by fire, for instance the building was inadequate, the doors were locked, and the elevator was slow and even not working. Moreover, the fire alarm, fire distinguisher, water sprinkler was not installed on the building to help the people get out of the factory. As a result, many people including women and children lost their lives.

On the other hand, chaired by Wagner and co-chaired by Smith, the group was charged by the New York State legislature to “investigate factory conditions in (NYC) and other cities and to report remedial measures [Necessary] to prevent hazard or loss of life among employees through fire, unsanitary conditions, and occupational diseases.” The impact of fire was as deep as forced, the NYC law makers and do-gooder to hold a commission and get the reformed activities report and in addition, prevent illness that caused by working environment and to keep watch on uses of hazards that harms employees. Furthermore, reforms include mandated better access and exit to the buildings, installation of fire alarms, availability of fire distinguishers and finally a better access facility for eating and toilets.

In conclusion, the Triangle Fire incident was a painful tragedy, as a result too many people lost their lives due to poor conditions of working environment also carelessness of business owners, consequently the relevant authorities and every employee must follow the rules, implement the safety tips, in addition keep inspecting and track of maintaining of buildings and factory to make sure we would be able to end-up or at least decrease the happening of such tragic incident in future.

Chapter 2 Reading Response 

New Attempt

In Class, we read chapter 2 “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” by Jessica McBirney

McBirney writes:

“This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify 3 strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change (p 2).

Writing Instructions

Part 1:

In a paragraph form, first introduce the reading, then discuss: What were the 3 strategies the union members used to seek justice and create change? Feel free to use our in-class discussion notes to develop your paragraph. Just remember to explain and analyze the significance of your supporting details to illustrate the importance of the strategies that allowed workers to create change and social justice.

Part 2:

Then, in another paragraph use what you wrote in class today to synthesize at least 3 important reasons why we should have unions. 

Writing Requirements:

Some of Class Notes to help you get started:

ESL Class Notes - Google Docs

Links to an external site.

Workers' Rights and the History of Labor Unions

Chapter 2 Jessica McBirney Discusses the “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” MacBirney P-2. The article tells us about the history of the workers’ rights and explains the strategies they still use today. Workers endured despite they were not able to live such hard living conditions they decided to gather and form a group which called Labor Union and chose their agent to negotiate on behave of them, defense and protect their rights. Labor Union is a group of workers who join to ask their employers for better payment, working hours and working conditions so they started to defense their right and formed labor unions and take advantage of the process and used the three different strategies to protect them and future workers.

The first strategy was called “collective bargaining.” Workers chose a few leaders to represent them in a meeting with the factory or mine owner. In this meeting, everyone would agree to a new contract that gave workers shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. If the factory owner did not agree to the contract, all the workers would strike, or stop working until they got what they wanted. Many strikes occurred during the Industrial Revolution, and workers still go on strike today, second strategy was giving benefits to union members. If any worker got hurt on the job, the union would pay for the doctor’s visit, medicine, and sometimes food and the third strategy was working with the government to pass more laws. Union leaders could make deals with politicians to pass laws that helped workers. For example, child labor became illegal, and the government began to send inspectors to make sure factories were safe.  (P-3 MacBirney)

As a result of using the three strategy, the workers chose leaders to talk on behave of them and call the strategy Collective bargaining, take advantage of being union members such as medical, job security and many other benefits depending on companies and ranks the workers holds and finally, last strategy is unions job to transfer the demand and request of workers and employees to government rank to pass laws and based on laws the get what they wish.

In my opinion, why do we need to have labor unions? It is important for each individual employee to be a member of Labor Union or an address who be able to defend the rights of workers and provide them, with job security, job safety, fair wages, and furthermore health insurance, sick leave, and paid time leave (PTO) over all a fair contract, also being part of union convince the employer to respect the employee according to law and union role and regulations.

Revised Writing for Chapter 2 Reading 

After some recommendation I brought some changes as below:

Start Assignment

Please share your final revised paragraphs for the following assignment:

In Class, we read chapter 2 “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” by Jessica McBirney

McBirney writes:

“This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify 3 strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change (p 2).

Writing Instructions

Part 1:

In a paragraph form, first introduce the reading, then discuss: What were the 3 strategies the union members used to seek justice and create change? Feel free to use our in-class discussion notes to develop your paragraph. Just remember to explain and analyze the significance of your supporting details to illustrate the importance of the strategies that allowed workers to create change and social justice.

Part 2:

Then, in another paragraph use what you wrote in class today to synthesize at least 3 important reasons why we should have unions. 

Writing Requirements:

Some of Class Notes to help you get started:

Workers' Rights and the History of Labor Unions

Chapter 2 Jessica McBirney Discusses the “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” MacBirney P-2. The article tells us about the history of the workers’ rights and explains the strategies they still use today. Workers endured despite they were not able to live such hard living conditions they decided to gather and form a group which called Labor Union and chose their agent to negotiate on behave of them, defense and protect their rights. Labor Union is a group of workers who join to ask their employers for better payment, working hours and working conditions so they started to defense their right and formed labor unions and take advantage of the process and used the three different strategies to protect them and future workers.

The first strategy was called “collective bargaining.” Workers chose a few leaders to represent them in a meeting with the factory or mine owner. In this meeting, everyone would agree to a new contract that gave workers shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. If the factory owner did not agree to the contract, all the workers would strike, or stop working until they got what they wanted. Many strikes occurred during the Industrial Revolution, and workers still go on strike today, second strategy was giving benefits to union members. If any worker got hurt on the job, the union would pay for the doctor’s visit, medicine, and sometimes food and the third strategy was working with the government to pass more laws. Union leaders could make deals with politicians to pass laws that helped workers. For example, child labor became illegal, and the government began to send inspectors to make sure factories were safe.  (P-3 MacBirney)

As a result of using the three strategy, the workers chose leaders to talk on behave of them and call the strategy Collective bargaining, take advantage of being union members such as medical, job security and many other benefits depending on companies and ranks the workers holds and finally, last strategy is unions job to transfer the demand and request of workers and employees to government rank to pass laws and based on laws the get what they wish.

In my opinion, why do we need to have labor unions? It is important for each individual employee to be a member of Labor Union or an address who be able to defend the rights of workers and provide them, with job security, job safety, fair wages, and furthermore health insurance, sick leave, and paid time leave (PTO) over all a fair contract, also being part of union convince the employer to respect the employee according to law and union role and regulations.

Pre-Writing Discussion

In this discussion, you will:

Reflect and Recall facts from the three readings we have completed so far:


Go back to what you wrote for chapter 1 and 2 paragraph responses and read your class notes to recall important facts that will help you compare and contrast the lives of the workers. 

Write 3 sperate lists in this discussion sharing the pay, work hours, workplace, and conditions for a factory worker, coal worker, and migrant worker. 

It might be helpful to first create a diagram on paper like this before writing in this discussion post. This will help you prepare for tomorrows class. Compare and contrast the lives of a factory worker (The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire), a coal worker (Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions), and a migrant worker (Mexican Migrant Workers in the 20th Century).


Factory Worker

Coal Worker

Migrant Worker


Work hours



Mar 27 1:50am

Manage Discussion by Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Replay from Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Reflect and Recall Facts


Factory Shirtwaist:    Low wage less than a dollar a day

Coal Mine:                      Little pay. Many families could not afford to buy enough food.

Mexican Migrant:       Lowest wage in the country, farm owners did not respect their worker.


Work Hours:

Factory Shirtwaist:    72 hours per week

Coal Mine:                      12 hours per day and six days per week

Mexican Migrant:           10-12 hours per day and 6-7 days per week      


Factory Shirtwaist:  Factory building and Wearhouse, too many people more than capacity of building, the building was out of dining room  and toilet facilities.

Coal Mine:  Spent all day deep underground in cool mines. The mines were very dark and usually damp and cold. Workers had to  breathe coal dust and poisonous gases.                                             

Mexican Migrant:  They had to move around to several crops and remain in country to be worker, most farm did not have the toilet facilities  or water for the workers to drink, and there was no place to wash dangerous pesticide chemical.


  The conditions of working place for all the three categories were almost the same and it was the worst condition, in  the factory of shirtwaist the workers were in an in-human working environment, the building was not safe for the  amount of people working there was not enough room for the workers, the building was out of eating place and toilet   the  alarm system for the emergency event was not installed the elevators were not working. Also, in coal mines the      mines were not safe, workers were running out of safety tools such as working masks, mines cloth and standard tools to  use in mines. Meanwhile the Mexican migrants had to move several times from one crop to another, their children had to  enrolled in many different schools, they had no house and made temporary shelter to live in. the crop owners did not  respect them.

Compare Contrast Short Essay 1

Due Mar 24 by 11:59pm

Please use this google doc: ESL 47 Class Notes Compare & Contrast Paragraph/Essay

Links to an external site.

to help you develop your writing response. 

Your short essay should include the following:

       Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).

      Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).

The History of worker in 20th Century

In the readings, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire by Mike Kubic, and Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions by Jessica Mcbirney, they discuss the inhumane working conditions that led to deaths for both factory and coal mine workers, describe how this led to new progressive laws. This short essay will describe the similarities and differences between factory workers and coal mine workers, and how this pushed for new progressive laws for workers. 

What caused the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory to burn down? “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fired on March 25, 1911, this event was the deadliest industrial disaster in U.S. history which caused the dead of hundreds of men, women and even children. There are two main and direct points that caused the factory to be on fire and many indirect situations which helped the fire change to a devastating event. The direct cause was someone threw a burning match or cigarette into a big pail of scrapped cuttings. The indirect cause was the poor quality of the working environment, and the higher number of casualties had itself many reasons, first there wasn’t any safety awareness, not any sign nor possibility to prevent fire from getting worse. As well the number of people working at the factory was more than the capacity of the building where the fire happened, moreover the building was designed substandard for instance the elevator had been in a very bad condition and the factory was running out of fire alarm system as well as out of water sprinkle” Mike Kubic P-5.

Also, “One of the worst Industries to work in was the coal industry, where workers spent all day deep underground in coal mines. The mines were very dark and usually damp and cold. Workers had to breathe coal, dust, and poisonous gas. They had to crawl through the narrow tunnels and pull carts full of coal behind them. There was always a chance that the whole mine could collapse from an explosion. Because coal miners were paid so little, many families could not afford to buy enough food. They had to send their children to work in the mines too, just so the family could have enough money to live on. Children worked six days a week just like their parents, so they could not go to school” MacBirney P-3,

Therefore, there are similarity and differences in working conditions of both factory and coal mines workers, for example the similarity poor quality of working environment for both factory and coal mines, first the low capacity of factory building and as well the poor conditions of coal mines, second the factory building was substandard and none of the safety measures was not applied in the building and same in the coal mines, third the working hours was long enough to increase the danger for workers in the working fields. In addition, the working wage was too low, and it was not enough for the workers to manage their family life expenses. There were some differences as well for instance the workers in factor working inside the building despite the poor working conditions, the mines workers were working inside mountain of coal or even underground the factory workers were busy with machinery and the coal miners was working with hands and hard physical working tools such as rock picks, hammers, and small shovels. Workers in mines extract the minerals, coals, gemstones while the factory workers produce the consumable products and mostly these products used inside the country, mines in both inside and outside of the country, however, let’s not forget to mention that these two different filed workers are necessary for each other sometimes in fact the mine industries help the factories to run, these similarities and differences get the workers together and formed unions and stood against the company owners with led to company and mine policy changes for the benefit of workers, some of these changes are written below.

The impact of Triangle Fire was deep enough to force the “law makers and New York city authorities draft new labor law and or reform the working environment law for the time being. The reform was countable and tangible. In addition, many positive reforms have been made for the safety of the labor. After the fire, Smith’s and Wagner’s accomplishment was the creation of Factory Investigation commission. Perkin was already fighting for the right of labors and his achievement was decrease of working hours from 72 hours per week to 54 hours. The other reform was having a better access for entry and exit for each big companies or places where lots of people where commuting, the availability of fire extinguishers, installation of fire alarm system, Dining facility Administration Center (DFACs) and toilet and despite all these they were trying to complete reorganization of the state’s Department of labor” Mike Kubic P 6-7.

On other hand “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” MacBirney P-2 3. The article tells us about the history of the workers’ rights and explains the strategies they still use today. Workers endured despite they were not able to live such hard living conditions they decided to gather and form a group which called Labor Union and chose their agent to negotiate on behave of them Labor Union is a group of workers who join to ask their employers for better payment, working hours and working conditions so they started to defense their right and formed labor unions and take advantage of the process and used the three different strategies to protect them and future workers.

The first strategy was called “collective bargaining.” Workers chose a few leaders to represent them to the factory or mine owner. In this meeting, everyone would agree to a new contract that gave workers shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions, second strategy was giving benefits to union members such as doctor’s visit, medicine etc. third strategy was working with the government to pass more laws. Union leaders could make deals with politicians to pass laws that helped workers. (P-3 MacBirney)

In conclusion, the working conditions for both Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and coal miners bring a revolution to the working situations of workers in U.S. starting early 20th century and there are still organizations and unions who is working to improve the working environment and working conditions for the workers of mine and employee of factories. There were many laws which passed at the time and bring up facility for the workers and the significant point is forming the unions helps the workers get more benefits despite all these improvement it was inadequate so, Today there are many organizations including International Labor Organization (ILO) which formed in early 20th century aiming to provide and facilitate fair working environment, fair wages and overall they inspect in various section of each single countries and in case of misuse of workers the ILO warned them and make report every year.

Final Draft: Compare Contrast Essay

 After some recommendation I brought some changes as below:

 Paper View       Plain Text View      


The History of workers in 20th Century

In the readings, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire by Mike Kubic, and Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions by Jessica Mcbirney, they discuss the inhumane working conditions that led to deaths for both factory and coal mine workers, describe how this led to new progressive laws. This short essay will describe the similarities and differences between factory workers and coal mine workers, and how this pushed for new progressive laws for workers. 

What caused the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory to burn down? “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fired on March 25, 1911, this event was the deadliest industrial disaster in U.S. history which caused the dead of hundreds of men, women and even children. There are two main and direct points that caused the factory to be on fire and many indirect situations which helped the fire change to a devastating event. The direct cause was someone threw a burning match or cigarette into a big pail of scrapped cuttings. The indirect cause was the poor quality of the working environment, and the higher number of casualties had itself many reasons, first there wasn’t any safety awareness, not any sign nor possibility to prevent fire from getting worse. As well the number of people working at the factory was more than the capacity of the building where the fire happened, moreover the building was designed substandard for instance the elevator had been in a very bad condition and the factory was running out of fire alarm system as well as out of water sprinkle” (Kubic P-5).


Also, “One of the worst Industries to work in was the coal industry, where workers spent all day deep underground in coal mines. The mines were very dark and usually damp and cold. Workers had to breathe coal, dust, and poisonous gas. They had to crawl through the narrow tunnels and pull carts full of coal behind them. There was always a chance that the whole mine could collapse from an explosion. Because coal miners were paid so little, many families could not afford to buy enough food. They had to send their children to work in the mines too, just so the family could have enough money to live on. Children worked six days a week just like their parents, so they could not go to school” (MacBirney P-3).

Therefore, there are similarity and differences in working conditions of both factory and coal mines workers, for example the similarity poor quality of working environment for both factory and coal mines, first the low capacity of factory building and as well the poor conditions of coal mines, second the factory building was substandard and none of the safety measures was not applied in the building and same in the coal mines, third the working hours was long enough to increase the danger for workers in the working fields. In addition, the working wage was too low, and it was not enough for the workers to manage their family life expenses. There were some differences as well for instance the workers in factor working inside the building despite the poor working conditions, the mines workers were working inside mountain of coal or even underground the factory workers were busy with machinery and the coal miners was working with hands and hard physical working tools such as rock picks, hammers, and small shovels. Workers in mines extract the minerals, coals, gemstones while the factory workers produce the consumable products and mostly these products used inside the country, mines in both inside and outside of the country, however, let’s not forget to mention that these two different filed workers are necessary for each other sometimes in fact the mine industries help the factories to run, these similarities and differences get the workers together and formed unions and stood against the company owners with led to company and mine policy changes for the benefit of workers, some of these changes are written below.

The impact of Triangle Fire was deep enough to force the “law makers and New York city authorities draft new labor law and or reform the working environment law for the time being. The reform was countable and tangible. In addition, many positive reforms have been made for the safety of the labor. After the fire, Smith’s and Wagner’s accomplishment was the creation of Factory Investigation commission. Perkin was already fighting for the right of labors and his achievement was decrease of working hours from 72 hours per week to 54 hours. The other reform was having a better access for entry and exit for each big companies or places where lots of people where commuting, the availability of fire extinguishers, installation of fire alarm system, Dining facility Administration Center (DFACs) and toilet and despite all these they were trying to complete reorganization of the state’s Department of labor” (Kubic P 6-7).

On other hand “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” (MacBirney P-2 -3). The article tells us about the history of the workers’ rights and explains the strategies they still use today. Workers endured despite they were not able to live such hard living conditions they decided to gather and form a group which called Labor Union and chose their agent to negotiate on behave of them Labor Union is a group of workers who join to ask their employers for better payment, working hours and working conditions so they started to defense their right and formed labor unions and take advantage of the process and used the three different strategies to protect them and future workers.

The first strategy was called “collective bargaining.” Workers chose a few leaders to represent them to the factory or mine owner. In this meeting, everyone would agree to a new contract that gave workers shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions, second strategy was giving benefits to union members such as doctor’s visit, medicine etc. third strategy was working with the government to pass more laws. Union leaders could make deals with politicians to pass laws that helped workers. (MacBirney P-3)

In conclusion, the working conditions for both Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and coal miners bring a revolution to the working situations of workers in U.S. starting early 20th century and there are still organizations and unions who is working to improve the working environment and working conditions for the workers of mine and employee of factories. There were many laws which passed at the time and bring up facility for the workers and the significant point is forming the unions helps the workers get more benefits despite all these improvement it was inadequate so, Today there are many organizations including International Labor Organization (ILO) which formed in early 20th century aiming to provide and facilitate fair working environment, fair wages and overall they inspect in various section of each single countries and in case of misuse of workers the ILO warned them and make report every year.

Is America a Melting Pot or a Cultural Mosaic?

There are two major ideas related to multicultural societies: melting pot and mosaic. A melting pot is the idea that when immigrants arrive in a new country, they adopt the new culture. However, a cultural mosaic is the idea that the new country becomes richer when it adds immigrants’ culture to the new country’s existing culture. These ideas have also been referred to as soup and salad. In a soup, all the flavors are blended together. In a salad, the ingredients are distinct, but they complement each other. What type of society do you think America is? Why? Which expressions do you like best? 

Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Mar 28 1:07amLast reply Mar 30 9:35pm

Manage Discussion by Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Reply from Sayed Abdullah Zuri

Is America a Melting Pot or a cultural Mosaic?

Why do you think many immigrants have come to USA?

People from all around the world tries to come to the USA to have a better life than their own countries, there are many reasons why immigrants come to the USA, in this essay I would like to describe some of the main and bold points as the reason why immigrants come to United States of America.

The first reason is people escape from the worst security situation in their origin country such as war and violence, second reason is the opportunity for a better life. Third reason is the economy which forced people to immigrate to the United States of America, life in America is good if we compare the economy of USA with original countries of immigrants, in addition, the standard of living in the USA and self-demand encourages people to immigrate. Moreover, there could be political issues with immigrant at their own countries, family reunion, health and finally better work opportunity is the reason why people come to united states of America.

To answer the second part of the question, in my opinion the United States of America society is like a melting pot which referred  as soup and looked like when new people arrive in USA, they adopt the culture of the united states, lets accept that the first generation of immigrants keeps up their origin country’s cultural even if they try to keep their own culture the second immigrants generation obviously melt with the host country cultural and morals.

As we know the USA has a long history of immigrant from different countries with various cultures and many different religions, the United State of America never celebrate the important event of any immigrants officially for instance the holy month of Ramadan and we as a Muslim celebrate EID days and it is officially three days off in my country or New year day which is Solar year first day (Now-Roz) which is not celebrate here and instead every and most of the immigrant celebrate the Georgian calendar and first day of the year or another example is let’s say the Chines year or Hijri calendar year and there is hundreds and hundreds more example which immigrants were celebrating in their home country and forget it to celebrate in USA or they don’t have the chance to celebrate their important cultural days.

In conclusion the immigrants eagerly come to USA for a better life and golden opportunity, however they are facing many challenges and many problems but there is a sentence which says to gain something you must lose something, so the immigrants from all around the world come to USA but instead they lose their home country and all cultural heritages.