

The Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board is committed to providing access to appropriate programs for all our students. One of our innovative ways to deliver courses to students is through e-Learning where students may have access to courses that are not available in their home school. Some students enjoy the flexibility that e-Learning offers, and will learn transferable skills such as time management, organization, and work habits, as well as various technology skills. E-Learning students use a state-of-the-art e-Learning platform where they access course materials and assignments, and communicate with their teacher and classmates. Through collaboration with other schools across the province, we are able to offer up to 25 different e-Learning options each year. 

E-Learning classes may be available to students where the course cannot be offered to the student in their school and where the student has been approved by their guidance teacher and school principal or vice-principal.

The E-Learning experience is very different when compared to a regular classroom. As a result, students who are not well-prepared for this form of learning will require additional support. Some important points about how students learn successfully in the e-Learning environment are listed below: 

The following e-Learning courses will be offered to our students as choices for the 2024-25 school year. 

Elearning Options