Bus Arrival and End of Day Procedures

MORNING DROP OFFS AND AFTERNOON PICK UPS: Buses will be unloaded at 9:20am which normally takes about 5 minutes, moreso in our beginning days of school as we develop school routines. In the morning, as soon as the buses clear the front driveway, school staff will begin to unload cars one at a time. As visitors are not allowed at the school at this time, we ask that families dropping off their children remain in their vehicles until you are approached by school staff. Adults are to only get out of a vehicle if you need to remove your child from a car seat. Please plan on arriving at or after 9:30 as there will be many cars dropping off and we do not want to impede traffic flow on Rednersville Road. At the end of the day, we will load buses first then students who are being picked up. Please be mindful that these procedures can change as we refine our new routines. Please be patient as we learn, together, the best way to safely receive and send off our students.

Students will wait on orange dots to enter the school, while remaining 1m apart.