Attendance, Grading & Daily Schedules

Attendance & Grading

Attendance: Families should report absences (student cannot/did not participate in any part of distance learning today) to your child’s school as usual using the regular attendance line.

Students will be marked present based on daily connection with their teacher through Seesaw, Google Classroom, or Moodle.

Grading: During Distance Education, our primary goal is to provide high-quality learning for E-12 students through a relationship-based approach to learning. This is a complicated time and our students have a range of needs. With that in mind, we know how critical it is for our assessment practices to be created with flexibility. View our Distance Learning Quick Guide for more information about grading.

Daily Learning Schedules

Distance Learning is new to all of us. We recognize that every family has unique circumstances, and that students will access learning at different times and locations. There is no one schedule that every student at any given school will follow. Parents are encouraged to develop a learning routine that works best for their family. Teachers will post daily lessons no later than 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. We understand families are balancing many responsibilities during this time. Therefore, there is flexibility around when students access and complete their learning.

Early Childhood Schedule

Teacher Distance Learning plans will be posted by 9:00 a.m. daily.

Elementary Schedule

Teacher Distance Learning plans will be posted by 9:00 a.m. daily.

Junior High Schedule

Teacher Distance Learning plans will be posted by 8:30 a.m. daily.

High School Schedule

Teacher distance learning plans will be posted by 8:30 a.m. daily.

Some classes will meet virtually at a scheduled time through Google Meet. Those classes will be scheduled during the block times posted below. Please refer to your child's regular schedule for reference. Students are not required to attend classes virtually, although they are required to complete lessons and assignments. There will be no Google Meet classes on Fridays. Some classes will never meet online at a scheduled time.

  • Block 1: 9:00 am

  • Block 2: 10:00 am

  • Block 3: 11:00 am

  • Block 4: 1:00 pm