Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress

About this Course

Developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students. The 10-hour online course is designed for school staff, including teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, principals, and non-teaching staff in preK-12 schools.

What You Will Learn

  1. Educate school staff in the science and impact of stress

  2. Provide school staff with the opportunity to build and apply social and emotional skills and strategies

  3. Offer strategies for helping students to identify and manage their emotions

  4. Provide resources and ideas that are relevant during this time of heightened stress and uncertainty

SoWashCo Process for Credit

This is a pre-approved, external course. Questions specific to the course should go to the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence.

To receive 1 Board Credit and 10 CEUs, or 10 CEUs or Probationary CEUs only, follow the completion instructions below.

Completion process for 10 CEUs or Probationary CEUs

  1. Register for course. Login or sign-up for a Coursera account on the linked site.

  2. The free version of the course is acceptable for this opportunity. Please note, the $49 Certificate option is not applicable for grad credit.

  3. Complete course

  4. Complete this exit ticket

  5. For this to count as 10 Probationary CEUs, all coursework must occur outside of the contract day. Additionally, Probationary CEUs may not be used for Board Credit as well.

Completion process for 1 Board Credit and 10 CEUs

  1. Register for course. Login or sign-up for a Coursera account on the linked site.

  2. The free version of the course is acceptable for this opportunity. Please note, the $49 Certificate option is not applicable for grad credit.

  3. Complete course

  4. Complete this exit ticket

  5. To receive 1 Board Credit, please write a 2-page reflection essay and upload to the exit ticket in the space provided. This essay can include reactions, new learning, confirmation, or application to personal and professional life.

  6. To receive 1 Board Credit, please send a check for $20, payable to South Washington County Schools, to Peggy Joswiak at the DSC.

South Washington County Schools7362 East Point Douglas Rd SCottage Grove, MN 55016Attn: Peggy Joswiak