Elementary Resources

H.O.P.E. Scale

Having Opportunities Promotes Excellence (H.O.P.E.) Talent Development scale for 2nd grade teachers.

Session 1: Becoming Talent Scouts and the HOPE (Having Opportunities Promotes Excellence) Scale

*Session 1 may be completed live using the zoom links or using the asynchronous option below.

Asynchronous Professional Development:

Engage with the Google Slide Deck here for learning and activities about becoming talent scouts and the first 5 items in the H.O.P.E. Scale.

Session 2: Digging Deeper into the HOPE scale and talent development learning activities

*Session 2 must be done live as it involves planning with your 2nd grade teammates. Zoom links for times available are below.


Upcoming Live Session 1 Zoom Links:

March 15th, 8:00-8:45am: Session 1: https://sowashco-org.zoom.us/j/82425014408?pwd=eHZzOGxVY1d2VmV4K3RpakhJbzd0Zz09

March 15th, 10:00-10:45am: Session 1: https://sowashco-org.zoom.us/j/84964148966?pwd=bktzYWgycGdlOXduSFpFakQ3bFZtUT09

Upcoming Live Session 2 Zoom Links:

March 15th, 9:00-9:45am: Session 2: https://sowashco-org.zoom.us/j/82425014408?pwd=eHZzOGxVY1d2VmV4K3RpakhJbzd0Zz09

March 15th, 11:00-11:45am: Session 2: https://sowashco-org.zoom.us/j/86441183012?pwd=UTkwQXpsSThBTXBPa2lYWWQ1YmVkZz09

Pear Deck Resources

The premium version of Pear Deck has been purchased for this year ONLY for grades 6-12. Pear Deck is an add-on tool for any presentation (slides, videos, etc.) and is easy to use and integrates well with Microsoft and Google products. You will receive an invitation via your gmail (apps account) to use the premium version of this product if you so choose. Keep an eye out for training sessions to be offered through SoWashCo 6000 soon. Please reach out to Dr. Angela Lawrence, Secondary Coordinator, alawrenc1@sowashco.org if you have any questions.

Pear Deck Google slides add-on tool

Pear Deck Knowledge Base - A virtual Q&A, individuals can search for their specific question

Help Videos - our short Help Videos for questions about specific features/functions

Pear Deck YouTube Channel - for more visual learners, they can find everything from our Help Videos to previous Pear Fair recordings on our YouTube channel!

Pear Deck Institute Pear Deck Institute was created to make sure you have everything you need to master using it in the classroom. We’ve assembled our best teammates and resources to help you get started, at your own pace.


Byrdseed.TV is a library of video lessons, projects, and investigations created by Ian Byrd that you can use directly with your students to add depth and complexity to student learning and differentiate instruction in all subject areas. These video based lessons are in a format you can use directly with students. You don't have to spend time interpreting and implementing them.


SoWashCo Byrdseed.TV Waklet of example Elementary Seesaw activities using Byrdseed.TV.

Dig deeper into specific grades 2 Byrdseed.TV lessons, inquiries and projects to use with all students, small groups of students or individual students during distance learning.

Deeper Dive into Byrdseed TV On Demand Video and Powerpoint

Intro to Lexikeet

Click here to participate in SoWashCo's Introduction to Lexikeet, a tool used for translation and interpreting to bridge language differences.

Connecting Students in a Disconnected World - OnDemand PD

Click here to read this article and/or listen to this podcast regarding how to connect with students, and each other, as we continue remote teaching and learning in SoWashCo.

Complete this Exit Ticket to earn 1 CEU

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